Why Does THis Habit Seem To Get By?

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I am single and a lot of women my age drink or smoke or both. It seems that both of these bad habits, especially smoking is recognized as dangerous if not deadly.

How is it then that over eating and overweight is overlooked. We fool ourselves about how fat is fat until problems such as one I am having with my spine react to weight. The thing I feel bad about is I am constantly the recipient of having people push grossly obese women in my direction. I must point out here I have lost sixty pounds and must lose fory more.

I never did smoke. I gradually quit drinking to where it has been over fifteen years since I had so much as a sniff of booze. People seem to understand if you need to stop drinking you need to be away from people who socialize with drinks. Why is it then that I am being invited to sit sedately on couches and subject myself to the temptation of severe over consumption of food? All too often from women so obese that they cannot move or exercise. I can see where it can be said it is not fair to judge someone. However, it comes back to my analogy over giving up drinking. It seems understood that somone wanting to get away from this pattern of destruction doesn’t go to parties where alcohol is featured or someone who drinks every evening after work.

I saw overeating and diabetes kill my mother. I do not want to be around it. I am tired of seeing gluttony get off so easy when we talk to young folks about taking care of themselves too. I can pray that somone who is fighting this battle have sucess. They simply need to understand I spent over twenty five yeards near a hundred pund over weight. I am even in the process of giving up meat do to ts fat and calories. I would rather help a woman over drinking, it would be an easier fight. I cannot fight somone else battle with weight at the same time I fight my own.


Isn’t that funny? I’m a recoverying alcoholic - my sobriety date is May 4, 1992 - and I have no problem going to parties where alcohol is served. In fact, last night I had my fiftieth birthday party with friends and family. Some are members of my 12 step program and some are not…I had softdrinks, wine, water, champagne and sparkling cider available…

The biggest thing to remember is you do not have to drink alcohol in order to live…you do have to eat.

I have no idea why people are pushing obese women on you…I mean, are you such an incredible catch that people think you would be a loving, supportive, spiritually fit and wonderful man for these women to be involved with? Well, for heavens sake! Set them straight and tell them the truth! That should solve the problem.
And good luck on those last 40 pounds!
Then there is exercise. This was gone for years after I let myself get fatter and fatter out of the Marines. I am walking again. I am getting my bike together. I plan to get to work early and swim as our university has a pool. On my Friday and Saturday days off I want to hike for recreation. In my area there are many history sites. I want to extend this to parking my car and heading up or down history trails twenty five or thirty miles. This part of my life has become greatly signicant.

These two women do not like the fact that the Catholic woman I do deal with is 25, much younger than me, from Venezuela and is quite lithe and dancer like. My main thing with her is getting her more involved with the Church again an past Chavez’ “sieze and sell the Churches” in her home country. So My one thing about dealing with somone older and sedentary is speculation. That is alas, another letter.
I am not going to argue with you on this; however, there is nothing wrong with a husband or wife having a hobby (like hiking or biking) that the other one does not share. There is always the possibility that you could develop a hobby that is healthful TOGETHER (like learn to play golf or tennis).
My friend Barbara is the top rated marathon runner for women in her age group in the world. Her late husband golfed. He would not run unless someone was chasing him. He used to say, “I wait for her at the finish line with a glass of wine and a bag of potato chips”. Barbara hated golf - she waited for him in the club house.

Three years after Leonard died she met Doug. Doug does EVERYTHING she does. It is the second half of her life and a new and different relationship. She says that God has been so good to her - gave her the best of both worlds.
Maybe the best is waiting for you too?
Two things, I do have a lady friend that happens to upset and short circuit some of my co workers because she is twenty years younger than me, and very attractive. I believe I am having receiving the: “here consider a realistic choice” for you from these women without my having seeking such advice., because they are freaked out by the woman I socialize with.

I have thought of having children with this one young lady. It is something. I only think about with her. This is the first time in decades I have felt this way.

I have made it clear I do not enjoy the social company, read romantic here, of those that lead a life I left behind.That being one of a physically unfit cripple.I am speaking about me here.Why would I want to get together with someone who would constantly remind and depress me? Depression is very bad for me and I do see somone for it.

I Was Told To Keep My Own Company etc.
It amazes me how many Catholic people here enter into a non-Catholic idea. It is this thing I have heard in this thread They say in response to my observations: “Well you can just go on and be lonely and by yourself then!” As if that is supposed to bother me? Isn’t the single state equally valid in the Catholic Church? I sometimes think we not only respect life as we should, but indulge in baby production worship. This is the flip side of being singe a sort of mandatory marriage push that is not Church philosophy. I say this as some people with children should never ever have had them. Unless with a very good person for me, I am content doing the physical and and mental activities I do. I go to Mass at a monastery now so as to stay in the background. As far as I know Mass attendance, which is almost impossible with my job, and Chasity are the only requirements along with the sacraments. Attending a single parish is for example not required. Talking to people is not required. I speak to people all the time at work, I am speaking of not letting anyone know me. Obviously I have one, young, female exception.

I do not like to be around people that will pull me down with regards to following health rules.
Then find new people to be around; those that won’t pull you down. Either that or find a way not to eat all those rich, fatty foods that are causing you trouble. No one forces a particular kind of food down your throat. People who truly love and care about you will either make accomodations for your dietary choices or just accept that you’ll only eat part of what they serve. It really isn’t anyone’s responsibility, even the Church’s, to make us eat right, or not drink, or not smoke. The Catechism may warn us of such things, but the ultimate decision is ours.
I can do the right things. However , I wanted to emphazize above all that my job has cost me all meaningful contact with people putside of work. Save the one young lady I am getting to know. It is hard for others to realize I do not even start dinner to midnight. If I take less medicine I get to bed by 5 AM. If I want to get to bed a half houor after I eat I must take brutal amounts of sleep medicine. So I just read for the most part for five hours on end. I read ten books a week in general. Another reason I am bringing in more exercise is to have something to wake me up a few hours before work. Too often it means working out wiith five or six hours sleep.
Sadowah, I don’t know if any of this is helpful. It’s hard to give precise (name removed by moderator)ut about what to do. I won’t nitpick your words; our words often give people the wrong impression. Even people with an superior command of their language edit their writings over and over again because they say things they didn’t mean to say, or get at points they didn’t mean to get at, or they are easily misread.

I think I know what you’re getting at; it seems to comes from fear of temptation around others. Maybe they’re not only not helping you, but are insensitive and making it harder, whether they fully understand they’re doing this or not. So maybe that’s why you feel an inclination to set them straight.

It could well seem like the people around you are minimizing the traps of gluttony, or ignoring them completely, while you are taking it seriously since you are tackling it head on. Maybe they are minimizing gluttony, and maybe they aren’t.

What I do know is we’re supposed to focus on ourselves for the largest part. You probably know, then, to control what you can control in these situations or avoid them to the extent you can, if you can’t control them somewhat. I understand your frustration.

What’s good for certain, is that you recognized a problem with temperance in yourself. If someone tells you gluttony isn’t a big deal, you may be obligated to point out that the catechism is clear that it is, but leave it at that. (?)

That’s actually not judgmental. The way I understand it (correct me if I’m wrong!), being judgmental involves presuming to know what is in someone’s heart like God does. If there’s more to it than that, someone please tell me.

It’s good to recognize sin for what it is, though. Jesus followed his teaching about planks in our eyes, with this:Thou hypocrite, cast out first the beam in thy own eye, and then shalt thou see to cast out the mote out of thy brother’s eye. 6 Give not that which is holy to dogs; neither cast ye your pearls before swine
So how is that not judging? Did Jesus contradict himself and tell us not to judge, and then to judge? The study Bible notation says this about the planks-in-our-eyes verses in Matthew 7:This is not a prohibition against recognizing the faults of others, which would hardly be compatible with [these verses I quoted], but against passing judgment in a spirit of arrogance, forgetful of one’s own faults.
Fraternal correction can become an obligation, then. It’s strongly advised in spiritual books to give a second thought as to whether it is actually warranted, because we think it is warranted in too many cases where it isn’t. We never want to stray from focusing primarily on our own faults, by becoming preoccupied with others. We need the planks out of our own eyes first. Fraternal correction is to be looked upon as a reluctant obligation, where it is warranted, and fewer occasions call us to do it than we think, and still fewer people are called to do it, according to Growth in Holiness.

I think we’ll be okay if we make the primary focus ourselves and use fraternal correction very sparingly, considering if it is even warranted.

I don’t know how much this can help, but if anyone has any further insight, I’d love to read it.
All these stories and excuses would make sense IF people were not obviously so much fatter now than they were 30 years ago. If there are non-gluttonous reasons for being fat now, they should apply in 1970 as well, but you never saw the huge butts, bellies dropped down around the knees. Something crazy is going on.
I just have to add my two cents. The big difference between now and the seventies is what they are putting in our food. America is allowing the food makers to add preservatives to our food that other countries have outright banned. Hydrogenated fats are one molecule away from plastic. If you spend a life time of eating plastic, it is going to add up because of the bodies inability to process it. And of course, if you try to buy organic and preservative free food on a small budget, it is almost impossible. When I tried to shop healthy and only get the ‘healthy’ stuff, it was impossible to stay on a budget.

I get really irritated when people assume that just because you are fat or buy certain things that you are a gluttuness person that doesn’t care about your health. I was born in the 70’s and have lived a lifetime of eat and be merry but don’t get fat. Now that I am 30, I am a fat pig and everybody knows it because I am no longer a size 5 and buy groceries that do not live up to your standards. (By the way, when I was a size five, I was still about 10-20 pounds overweight according to the weight charts.)
I am single …
How is it then that over eating and overweight is overlooked.
Dear sadowa,

I’m single as well, pleased to meet you!

For the record, I am at a healthy weight and have always been on the small side. Just born that way, and come from a generally slender family.

In my experience, overeating and overweight has not been overlooked. In fact, I’m a bit worried about a young relative of mine who calls herself “fat” when she is in fact thin. I sincerely hope she will not develop an eating disorder. I have already lost a very close friend to severe anorexia and bulimia … our friendship ended and I know not whether she is living or dead. I hope she has gotten the help she desperately required. I would hate to see a flesh-and-blood relative follow that same destructive path.

That said, I have an obese friend whom I cannot invite out to share most my favorite outdoorsy interest: Horseback riding would be out of the question. She has gone hiking with me; it would be nice if we could start that up again, I’ll have to invite her soon as the weather’s decent. I can encourage her to live a healthy lifestyle … basically it’s up to her to care for herself, watch her weight, and exercise as best she can according to the health and constitution that God gave her. To her credit, I have seen that she tends to eat healthier types of food than me, and I’m thin. It may be that she’s used to taking larger portions of food than I do.

~~ the phoenix
(By the way, when I was a size five, I was still about 10-20 pounds overweight according to the weight charts.)
You make a good point here. Those government weight charts are crazy … according to them, I’m borderline fat. But looking in the mirror with a firm grasp of reality, I know I’m in fact somewhere between thin and the ideal weight for my height.

~~ the phoenix
No ones saying you have to look like the cover model for “fitness mag” although it is something to strive for (they are healthy…not like some superthin celebs who starve themselves instead of a healthy diet and exercise.) but really, no one gets fat because of a medical condition for the most part. I mean yes, certain medicines or conditions can cause you to put on extra weight that could indeed make you bulkier than average, but not really fat. I cant stand those excuses. Im not fat, but Id like to lose a few pounds, and I never sit around and say “I cant do it…it just doesnt work…its my genetics…” because that is bs. I am somewhat of a food addict, as in I enjoy eating secretly and binging when Im not hungry, and I also hate exercise. But i know the reason Im heavier than i want to be is because of my own lack of willpower and and bad habits. Some people are naturally built bigger than others of course, but big boned and fat are totally different. People who cannot walk often get obese because they cant do a lot of exercise, and while thats understandable, its not the medical condition causing the problem, it is because they overeat. Id love to eat a box of donuts every day but I dont. Being heavily overweight in my opinion is just as unhealthy as having bulimia or anorexia. Im sick of people pushing ‘fat is ok’ campaigns…because its NOT ok. Its very unhealthy, and its causing a huge problem for todays kids.
No ones saying you have to look like the cover model for “fitness mag” although it is something to strive for (they are healthy…not like some superthin celebs who starve themselves instead of a healthy diet and exercise.) but really, no one gets fat because of a medical condition for the most part.
Why in the world would I want to strive to look like the cover model for fitness magazine. I would love to hear you tell the person with a messed up thyroid that nobody gets fat because of a medical condition. What planet are you from? I don’t know how you could have the audacity to say that. Are you telling me that I am paying hundreds of dollars to my Dr. to have him tell me lies?
Im sick of people pushing ‘fat is ok’ campaigns…because its NOT ok. Its very unhealthy, and its causing a huge problem for todays kids.
I don’t think anybody thinks that ‘fat is ok’, just like nobody thinks smoking is ok. People keep saying how unhealthy it is. Well, all I have to say is DUH!!! Do you think fat people don’t know that. Do you think that they go around wanting people like you to stare at them and make your faces at them? Do you think that a fat person wants to be talked about like they have no self control? I am sorry, but I don’t think your self righteousness is helping to making anybody lose one ounce of weight. Do you honestly think that your nagging and utter disgust is going to help fat people lose weight. Did you ever stop to think that maybe a fat person is sitting here reading your post crying because you are casting aspersions on somebody you know nothing about? Oh wait, doesn’t the Bible say, judge not lest ye be judged. I thought God was the only one that could judge. Of course, I guess seeing somebody elses fat rolls automatically makes you God because you only need to lose a few pounds.
the phoenix:
You make a good point here. Those government weight charts are crazy … according to them, I’m borderline fat. But looking in the mirror with a firm grasp of reality, I know I’m in fact somewhere between thin and the ideal weight for my height.

~~ the phoenix
Yep. I wear a size 2 petite, and according to the height/weight charts, I’m anywhere from 5-10 lbs. overweight for my height and frame. Fortunately I know enough to regard the charts as ridiculous. Unfortunately, there are also those who view them as gospel truth. No wonder so many teenage girls look dangerously thin these days.😦
Why in the world would I want to strive to look like the cover model for fitness magazine. I would love to hear you tell the person with a messed up thyroid that nobody gets fat because of a medical condition. What planet are you from? I don’t know how you could have the audacity to say that. Are you telling me that I am paying hundreds of dollars to my Dr. to have him tell me lies?

I don’t think anybody thinks that ‘fat is ok’, just like nobody thinks smoking is ok. People keep saying how unhealthy it is. Well, all I have to say is DUH!!! Do you think fat people don’t know that. Do you think that they go around wanting people like you to stare at them and make your faces at them? Do you think that a fat person wants to be talked about like they have no self control? I am sorry, but I don’t think your self righteousness is helping to making anybody lose one ounce of weight. Do you honestly think that your nagging and utter disgust is going to help fat people lose weight. Did you ever stop to think that maybe a fat person is sitting here reading your post crying because you are casting aspersions on somebody you know nothing about? Oh wait, doesn’t the Bible say, judge not lest ye be judged. I thought God was the only one that could judge. Of course, I guess seeing somebody elses fat rolls automatically makes you God because you only need to lose a few pounds.
I did say in rare cases it could be a serious medical condition. I dont know to what degree thyroid problems cause obesity, but if its a legitimate problem, then I am sorry if I offended you. If you are unable to be physically fit, of course I dont expect you to be. And as for the “fat is ok” thing, Im not talking about all fat people, but the ones who write into magazines or whatever saying "bigger is better, im healthy becaue I eat, being fat is just a ‘body type’ that cant be helped and should be considered normal.’ Those are the people i have a problem with, not those who recognize their problem.
I did say in rare cases it could be a serious medical condition. I dont know to what degree thyroid problems cause obesity, but if its a legitimate problem, then I am sorry if I offended you. If you are unable to be physically fit, of course I dont expect you to be. And as for the “fat is ok” thing, Im not talking about all fat people, but the ones who write into magazines or whatever saying "bigger is better, im healthy becaue I eat, being fat is just a ‘body type’ that cant be helped and should be considered normal.’ Those are the people i have a problem with, not those who recognize their problem.
Thyroid problems can be treated. If you think your weight problem is caused by a thyroid problem, please see your doctor ASAP.
I dont know to what degree thyroid problems cause obesity, but if its a legitimate problem, then I am sorry if I offended you.
I can testify that it’s legitimate 😉 You should see my hands–they look dry and wrinkly and I’m only 33. Being in cold temperatures is painful even when I’m dressed appropriately–because my body temp is low, because my metabolism is low. I will get painfully cold extremities when nobody else does. I eat very little; my husband’s always saying I need to eat more than I do but then I tell him, “Do I look like I’m starving?” :whistle:
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