Nowadays it is. The point is that if you open a business for the public, you cannot refuse to serve a special segment of the public because of your religious conviction. If you don’t like it, open an exclusive club for people you want to do business with.
There’s a difference in declining certain services and not serving certain clientele. The conflating of the two is an overused, but convenient, weapon.
If your free exercise includes discrimination, then you are in bad shape.
People discriminate every day. Shall I hire an experienced person or a new graduate? Shall I shop at Walmart or downtown? Shall I give money to planned parenthood or Catholic charities? It’s called informed choice and we are free to do it. I am also free to choose not to give hours of my time and the fruits of my talent in support of a cause I sincerely hold to be sinful. I may be fined for it, I may be marginalized for it, but I have not injured another’s dignity, but supported it, by not lying in word or deed.
Almost everyone on this board, with a few exceptions. It is rather strange that people who believe that God gave us reason and thinking also assert that we must give up that reason in certain subjects. They say: “you must follow your conscience, as long as it is a well-formed conscience”. And if you ask, “what is a well-formed conscience?” The answer is: “your conscience is well-formed if it agrees exactly and precisely with what the church says”. Why worry about the conscience? They could just say: “follow what the church says, and stop thinking!”
If “almost everyone” on this board espouses beliefs about morality that frustrate you, why are you here? Live and let live is what you want, right? No one should be able to tell you what to think, right? So why come here and do to others that which you so obviously dislike having done to you? Math problems can be solved and we can all agree on a correct answer–unless one starts with incorrect values for the variables or doesn’t know how to work the problem. Do you have a philosophical objection to math tutors? It’s no different. In truth of God and in mathematics, there really is right and wrong.
No, it is much older. It comes from times of bear fights, when a pack of dogs was trained to attack a bear. The ones which were trained to go for the throat were the “upper dogs”, the ones which were trained to attack the belly of the bear were the “underdogs”. They were killed easier by the bear. Find out in the essay by Elliot Angel: “How William became Shakespeare”?
That’s interesting; I never heard that one, but do know it’s also tied to naval references and shipbuilding, as well. Is there a deeper reason you reference bear baiting on this forum? Just curious.