Why Europe Looks the Other Way

  • Thread starter Thread starter HagiaSophia
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"…The results can be seen in the numbers.* Europe’s economy is growing at an anemic 0.8% compared to the United States’ 3.8%.* American unemployment hovers around 5%, while Germany has its highest unemployment rate since the Great Depression (13%).* All these numbers indicate that Europe will remain an also ran in the world economy after the United States, Japan, China, and India.

While the EU is working diligently on improving its economic competitiveness, frequently it is American companies that are stepping in to revive the lagging European economies.*

For example, the 2000 Lisbon Agenda, which in 5 years has failed to improve business efficiency in Europe is now revitalized due to Microsoft Corporation’s involvement, and Europe’s flailing retail sector is waiting in breathless anticipation for Wal-Mart to fulfill its pledge to open stores in every country in the EU.* This is good news for the European economy.* They will get jobs, capital investment, and new models of efficiency and profitability, but for Euro-businessmen, it is a disaster.* Think about the business practices of Wal-Mart and Microsoft. European businesses are toast.

The end result is Europeans must seek out new secondary markets for their goods and services where they are better able to compete against the American business juggernaut. In the modern world economy, this means that they are increasingly forced to deal with those nations where American companies are barred or limited by American legislation from entering; a.k.a. The Axis of Evil.*

Despite their claims of sophistication and peacefulness, Europe’s governments are doing what governments have done for centuries, protecting their economic interests.* While the United Nations is filled with wild accusations that the United States is going to war for oil in Iraq, it is actually the Europeans who were obstructing the United States in an attempt to prop up the brutal regime of Saddam Hussein and maintain a “no American oil company zone” in Iraq in order to protect their own oil interests.* The hypocrisy extends further as the EU claims to be trying to work for peace in the Middle East while they are simply begging the Iranians to keep its markets open to their products.* And if the Iranians happen to use the time they buy in making a treaty they intend to violate to actually develop nuclear weapons, then so be it.* The Europeans are hoping that the Iranians will only incinerate Tel Aviv and not Rome.* But at least this way they will not have to look at changing their failed Socialist welfare state policies which are the root of their problem anyway.*

Considering these are the same countires that allowed the rise of the Nazi’s dare I say we are seeing history repeat itself. Europe in general ceased being christian during the 1800’s and its moral and ethical record during the 20th century up till now has been atrocious for all thier sophistication they are directly responsible for the first 2 World Wars and will be responsible for the 3rd. Just wait and see.
Considering these are the same countires that allowed the rise of the Nazi’s dare I say we are seeing history repeat itself. Europe in general ceased being christian during the 1800’s and its moral and ethical record during the 20th century up till now has been atrocious for all thier sophistication they are directly responsible for the first 2 World Wars and will be responsible for the 3rd. Just wait and see.
This from a person who lives in a country whose world reputation is based on invasion of other countries, the only country in the world to use atomic weapons against anybody, whose economic growth is based on ensuring a lack of growth in developing countries, who contributes more to world polution than any other miltiple of countries in the world and whose senior politician never even had a pasport until he became president.

Do I hear a ninth crusade in response to Europes coddleing of radical muslems?
This from a person who lives in a country whose world reputation is based on invasion of other countries, the only country in the world to use atomic weapons against anybody, whose economic growth is based on ensuring a lack of growth in developing countries, who contributes more to world polution than any other miltiple of countries in the world and whose senior politician never even had a pasport until he became president.

Ohh gee wher to adress these errors I can Imagine your more of a fan of Chamberlin who appeased the Nazis than the ever admirable Churchill. Churchill would be a fan of Bush both are men of action against evil unlike the passive Euros like Churchill and France who will wait till Islam overtakes them before thinking maybe they were wrong. Gee isn’t that happened to France with the Nazis.
Tony Blair is a big fan of Bush himself perhpas you need to take out your frustration on a poltican you elected.
Our country has also liberated more peole than any other country we helped liberate all of Western Eurpope from the Nazis and we liberated Eastern Europe from communism we liberated Asia from Imperial Japan. True we had to do this by attacking others and reluctanntly by using atomic weapons. But in an impefect world and enmies such as Hitler and Imperial Japan did we have another choice I suppose you have us sing cumboya my lord to these anti-christ? Europe’s whole history is of invading other countries and colinialism I don’t see where you guys are better than America in fact your a lot worse. WHere are the people you have freed without america you would be speaking German and heiling to the Arian Hitler of present day Nazism. Hey but knock american all you want you Euro Ingrate.
Europe in general ceased being christian during the 1800’s and its moral and ethical record during the 20th century up till now has been atrocious for all thier sophistication they are directly responsible for the first 2 World Wars and will be responsible for the 3rd. Just wait and see.
In general is the correct word, every desert has an oasis, even in places that others say has lost it’s faith, there are little pockets of light.
So would you be saying that the USA is a light for us to look up too ?
Are there no problems in the USA, morality, muder, homosexuality, muder of the unborn, same sex marriage, I mean come-on, where is the humility here ?

Ireland isn’t the Christian country it once was, but thats because of materialism, greed greed greed.
But there is still quite a large Church attendance, it’s not perfect, but not everyone has lost the faith.
In Portugal Mary said that the faith would be preserved, these words may be harsh to some.

I’ve seen this high moral stance quite a lot on this forum and have kept quiet, but enough is enough.
Our country has also liberated more peole than any other country we helped liberate all of Western Eurpope from the Nazis and we liberated Eastern Europe from communism we liberated Asia from Imperial Japan…
Yes I agree with you there, but what about liberating the unborn !

Thats one battle you have yet to win.

Charity begins at home.

Wer’e supposed to be a Universal Church, or the body of Christ, no use defending the faith here with you all and then generalize about Europe.
I hope and pray that we don’t turn into Sunday morning Christians, sometimes we have to take the log from our own eye first.
This is a most uncharitable thread
A liberal agrees with you, Gilliam!

What is the point of bashing other countries? Are we so superior, so deserving of the moral high ground in light of the moral corruption that we share with others - abortion, pornography, utter sexual license, materialism, secularism, etc. etc.?

The old saw about “when you point a finger at someone, three fingers are pointing back at you” should make posters who are so anxious to p**s on Europe take pause.

A more Catholic, a more charitable attitude ought to be operative.
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