Why even go to Mass on Sunday

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Our little one is ill and so we couldn’t go to church together as a family because we had to take turns being with her. I went to one Mass and my wife went to another. Since I wasn’t there with my family, I didn’t sit where I normally sit but sat in the back.

In the middle of the second reading, two teenage girls walked in and sat down in the pew in front of me. If I were to venture a guess, I would say that they were maybe 14-16 years old. Not college age yet but definitely out of grammer school.

They both had lolli-pops in their mouths and throughout the entire Mass they kept whispering in each other’s ears and giggling. They didn’t stand for the gospel or the creed or the Our Father and didn’t knee during the concecration but sat the entire time. During the sign of peace, one of then took a can of soda out of her purse and they both took a few sips.

They both got up to go to communion but instead of spending time in prayer with our Lord, they continued whispering and giggling after receiving the Eucharist. Maybe it’s wrong of me to judge but sitting right behind them, it was difficult not to be bothered by their behavior and I wonder what they got out of the Mass and why they even bothered to come and receive communion?

Next time I go to Mass, I’m sitting where I normally sit so I won’t see this stuff.
Sir Knight:
Our little one is ill and so we couldn’t go to church together as a family because we had to take turns being with her. I went to one Mass and my wife went to another. Since I wasn’t there with my family, I didn’t sit where I normally sit but sat in the back.

In the middle of the second reading, two teenage girls walked in and sat down in the pew in front of me. If I were to venture a guess, I would say that they were maybe 14-16 years old. Not college age yet but definitely out of grammer school.

They both had lolli-pops in their mouths and throughout the entire Mass they kept whispering in each other’s ears and giggling. They didn’t stand for the gospel or the creed or the Our Father and didn’t knee during the concecration but sat the entire time. During the sign of peace, one of then took a can of soda out of her purse and they both took a few sips.

They both got up to go to communion but instead of spending time in prayer with our Lord, they continued whispering and giggling after receiving the Eucharist. Maybe it’s wrong of me to judge but sitting right behind them, it was difficult not to be bothered by their behavior and I wonder what they got out of the Mass and why they even bothered to come and receive communion?

Next time I go to Mass, I’m sitting where I normally sit so I won’t see this stuff.
Try sitting in the first row plus you will be closer to God. 😃
A priest faces and sees all the congregation. Some don’t care. But the good ones need our prayers to continue doing the Lord’s work. What they see must be so upsetting. And occasionally they speak out - about how their parishioners dress, leave early etc.

As for the youth… thier parents will have to answer for that upbringing. If more would give a good example, they would improve their behavior… or just leave altogether.
Did they ask the Eucharistic Minister to hold their lollipops while they received?
They finished their lollipops before communion and had a few sips of soda (diet Pepsi) before receiving.
I’ve seen some adults behave with as much grace and dignity in our parish. Some coming in looking like they just got off-work at the corner, and then proceed to be as disturbing as possible throughout the entire Mass. I understand some people don’t have a lot of clothes to choose from, but I find it irritating when those who can dress nicely choose not to-for whatever reason.

One thing that really upsets me is seeing people receive Holy Communion and then, instead of walking back to their seats, proceed to walk straight out the door!! What, you can’t sit down for another five minutes? :banghead: I see women carry their hand-bags with them in the Eucharist line just so they can walk out as soon as they receive the Body and Blood of Christ! What is up with that? :eek:

Scout :tiphat:
… I see women carry their hand-bags with them in the Eucharist line just so they can walk out as soon as they receive the Body and Blood of Christ …
Not to take this thread off topic, but my wife also takes her purse with her when going for communion. Not because she’s going to walk out the door but because several years ago her sister had her wallet lifted from her purse when she went up for communion. Since then, we exercise extra caution.
Sir Knight:
They finished their lollipops before communion and had a few sips of soda (diet Pepsi) before receiving.
Funny, in our parish we are told to limit our intake to water or necessary medicine an hour before Communion. Maybe the lollipops were laced with something.

I totally understand where you are coming from, and have found this so frustrating that I feel like I walk out of Mass more frustrated then when I went in. I try to go to the Benedictine chapel because it is just a quiet unheard of chapel. But it is a very beautiful Mass. I love going to daily Mass at school and find it is a very large cross to go to the parishes in the area.
Dear friends

I attend a Mass at my local convent in the week and what I have found happens there is the opposite, people arrive very late for Mass! This I find more annoying than leaving after communion, as a person can leave after communion if they have to go to work etc or another important reason, but I do find people arriving late for Mass, quite well into the Mass sometimes, awful.

This is a sin to arrive late for Mass and this I think is worse than leaving after Communion, at least a person has presented the sacrifice, heard the Word of God, lifted up their hearts and received the lord, they have for the most part partaken, but to arrive late or very late is worse and I often wonder why the few people do this?

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

Dear friends

Bit off topic but…

I attend a Mass at my local convent in the week and what I have found happens there is the opposite, people arrive very late for Mass! This I find more annoying than leaving after communion, as a person can leave after communion if they have to go to work etc or another important reason, but I do find people arriving late for Mass, quite well into the Mass sometimes, awful.

This is a sin to arrive late for Mass and this I think is worse than leaving after Communion, at least a person has presented the sacrifice, heard the Word of God, lifted up their hearts and received the lord, they have for the most part partaken, but to arrive late or very late is worse and I often wonder why the few people do this?

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

Sir Knight:
Not to take this thread off topic, but my wife also takes her purse with her when going for communion. Not because she’s going to walk out the door but because several years ago her sister had her wallet lifted from her purse when she went up for communion. Since then, we exercise extra caution.
I can completely understand that-and it’s a valid reason. It’s those that take their handbags with them just so they can run out the door as soon as the priest puts the Host on their tongue! I just find it disrespectful. It’s as if they’re saying, “I’ll stay here until I get what I want, then I’m outta here. I don’t want to stay here any longer than I have to.” They just took Jesus-Body, Blood, Soul & Divinity-into themselves and they can’t spare Him another five minutes?

Scout :tiphat:
I’ve seen some adults behave with as much grace and dignity in our parish. Some coming in looking like they just got off-work at the corner, and then proceed to be as disturbing as possible throughout the entire Mass. I understand some people don’t have a lot of clothes to choose from, but I find it irritating when those who can dress nicely choose not to-for whatever reason.

One thing that really upsets me is seeing people receive Holy Communion and then, instead of walking back to their seats, proceed to walk straight out the door!! What, you can’t sit down for another five minutes? :banghead: I see women carry their hand-bags with them in the Eucharist line just so they can walk out as soon as they receive the Body and Blood of Christ! What is up with that? :eek:

These kind of behaviours should upset us. They display a lack of respect for our Lord. God grant us mercy to pray for our brothers and sisters who dont know or worse yet dont care about this offence. God us the grace to pray for our church to better teach its members and then encourage them to give our Lord His due respect. God knows that those of us who God has given the grace to know better must be the ones who will help make the change for the good if one is to be made
These kind of behaviours should upset us. They display a lack of respect for our Lord. God grant us mercy to pray for our brothers and sisters who dont know or worse yet dont care about this offence. God us the grace to pray for our church to better teach its members and then encourage them to give our Lord His due respect. God knows that those of us who God has given the grace to know better must be the ones who will help make the change for the good if one is to be made
I can remember times when my father in law would confront kids who had been goofing off or acting disrespectfully during Mass, whether their parents were present or not. (Often they weren’t.) Believe me, they were startled to be confronted, and I think a little ashamed of their actions when he pointed it out.
As for the youth… thier parents will have to answer for that upbringing. If more would give a good example, they would improve their behavior… or just leave altogether.
That type of comment always bothers me. My parents gave us what could be considered a ‘prefect’ catholic upbringing. They did all the right things, prepared us for the sacraments, prayed the Rosary & read the Bible to us, made sure to speak to us just before Mass to remind us to talk to Jesus in the tabernacle etc.
And now of my five older brothers, three of them don’t believe in God & one maintains that he believes in God but won’t go to Mass 'cos people there are ‘all hypocrites’.
That type of comment always bothers me. My parents gave us what could be considered a ‘prefect’ catholic upbringing. They did all the right things, prepared us for the sacraments, prayed the Rosary & read the Bible to us, made sure to speak to us just before Mass to remind us to talk to Jesus in the tabernacle etc.
And now of my five older brothers, three of them don’t believe in God & one maintains that he believes in God but won’t go to Mass 'cos people there are ‘all hypocrites’.
My priest has a great line for those who say that the Church is full of hypocrites. He says, “What better place for them to be!” :clapping:

Scout :tiphat:
It’s amazing how the people who show up for church on Sunday are the ones who are critized and condemned by some members the congregation. The people who stay home don’t have this problem.

There is a price for showing up at church on Sunday. The price is being looked down upon by the “more important” parish members.
Chris Jacobsen:
It’s amazing how the people who show up for church on Sunday are the ones who are critized and condemned by some members the congregation. The people who stay home don’t have this problem.

There is a price for showing up at church on Sunday. The price is being looked down upon by the “more important” parish members.
I don’t think anyone is looking down on the people, it’s the behavior we have a problem with. And there are exceptions for people who don’t know any better, but for those who do know how to behave and don’t there is no excuse for their behavior.

It’s that flippant, “I’m going to behave any way I want and don’t care about and don’t want to think about how this may make Christ feel…” that is wrong.

And I don’t think anyone here considers themselves “more important” than anyone else. We have the right to an enjoyable, non-distracting Mass just the same as everyone else. That doesn’t make us better, we just want people to abide by the rules of the Mass and proper etiquette. If they choose not to do that, then maybe they should stay home.

As a side-point, I always find it interesting that when people’s mistakes are pointed-out to them, they use the excuse of being “looked down upon”.
Scout :tiphat:
If you ever see my children being disrespectful before the Lord, please feel free to tell ‘em to knock it off. Why did adults stop correcting children that were not their own? Not physically, but with a kind, FIRM voice. If the kids’ parents get offended, then let them explain why their child is so ill-mannered or badly educated. No wonder the country is so messed up…children rule the roost, and the adults are too nervous to discipline them. Time to take back the controls. Time for PC-ness to end. I long for the way things were when I was a child. I’m sick of explaining to my children why they can’t watch the tv shows their classmates watch, or listen to the popular music. Dear God, I’m mad as heck, and I’m not going to take it anymore! Who’s with me?! :mad:

Thank you for the rant. 😃
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