My husband and I used to attend a certain Mass at our former parish, we a couple had twin sons who were deaf. The boys were about 4-5 years old and were completely unruly. They yelled, threw missiles at each other, ran around the front of the altar yelling and screaming (the parents always sat in the first or second row), ran up and down the pew in heavy shoes. It was so distracting and loud, most parishoners just stiffened up when we saw that family come in. My husband made the mistake of suggesting to the priest that the family be advised just how loud the children were and ask them to either sit in the back or take the children outside for a few minutes when they began to get loud or out of control - BIG MISTAKE!!If you ever see my children being disrespectful before the Lord, please feel free to tell ‘em to knock it off. Why did adults stop correcting children that were not their own? Not physically, but with a kind, FIRM voice. If the kids’ parents get offended, then let them explain why their child is so ill-mannered or badly educated. No wonder the country is so messed up…children rule the roost, and the adults are too nervous to discipline them. Time to take back the controls. Time for PC-ness to end. I long for the way things were when I was a child. I’m sick of explaining to my children why they can’t watch the tv shows their classmates watch, or listen to the popular music. Dear God, I’m mad as heck, and I’m not going to take it anymore! Who’s with me?!
Thank you for the rant.
Not only was my husband given a tongue lashing by the priest, but each time these children were at the same Mass we went to Father would begin his homily telling everyone what a great blessing and joy these children were.
We do not deny these children are a blessing and joy, but they were also very loud and disputive. However, our attempt to quiet things down ending with us being reprimanded.