Why Federal Judges Matter

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Federal judges are supposed to follow the constitution, if they dont then they are grand standing on their own opinions.
They are supposed to follow the constitution and the laws as written by Congress. Their opinions should be limited to chiding Congress for writing bad legislation as opposed to making up the laws as they think they should have been written…
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The Obama-era regulations against religious liberty show the dangers that occur when values-voters take a snooze like they did during the 2009 Elections.
I worry every time I see an ad on TV from the Freedom From Religion Foundation. The Founders wanted to protect religion from government interference. The FFRA wants religion to have no rights at all.
I saw one of those the other night. I try not be easily moved by media presentations, but it was horrifying.

There have been recent news reports that a substantial part of the American electorate is open to socialism. I even heard one report that communism is becoming attractive to some.

It could happen. I have seen first-hand what socialism and communism can do to a country. That is not a direction we want to go in. Couple that with militant atheism, agnosticism, or secularism, and it’s bad, bad news.

Aside from the life issues, matters of reproduction, gender, and sexuality, and Second Amendment freedoms, I’m really pretty progressive — worker rights, social welfare, civil rights, even slavery reparations — but I wouldn’t want to see things go too far. They could.

Liberals and progressives do not give up. Never.
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Judges also should uphold our Constitution and not abuse it by making it fit the cultural whims of a immoral society – A society that keeps trying to change our Constitution by a minority that has lost its moral backbone.
But what bureaucrats do, can be changed.
Changing a law is a bit more difficult.
The problem with this is re-election, which costs money for campaigning.

A legislator is more likely to get elected if they have a large purse filled by wealthy supporters.

And many wealthy people are very liberal; e.g., Bill Gates, Michael Blumberg, etc.

Not just “liberal” in the historic sense of the word, but in the sense that they see Judeo-Christian values and morality as “evil” and oppressive. A good example is abortion, which many liberals see as a “woman’s right to choose,” while traditional Judeo-Christian teaching is that abortion is murder of the unborn human being.

So these wealthy liberals give their money to candidates who support making traditional morality illegal and even criminal, and unless the candidate favoring Judeo-Christian principles has wealthy friends (and there are plenty of wealthy people who DO support traditional morality, but not in all cities and towns across the U.S.), then the traditionally-minded candidate will lose the election because the funding by the wealthy will make the names of the non-traditionally-minded candidate more recognizable to a public which often hasn’t spent the time studying the actual issues, but bases their vote on recognizing a candidate’s name, and on who is supporting them (e.g., Wow, my favorite movie star is supporting that candidate, so I’ll vote for him/her!!), and sometimes on their political party (straight party voters who ignore the issues).

So you’re right, it’s not easy to get a decent candidate elected, and often “bad” candidates get elected strictly because they have “friends” with bigger purses…and that’s why it’s so important to use the Checks and Balances system built into our amazing U.S. Constitution and encourage our Presidents to appoint judges with a good, traditional moral compass and encourage our Senators to confirm these candidates, and ask our Senators to please NOT confirm those judges who lean towards legalizing practices that have been considered immoral or evil for centuries until the last few years.
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But the thing is, they are there to do what is right by our Constitution. If you want to change the Constitution, that is up to the legislative branch of the government.
And, they are there for all, not just you. 🙂
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