Here is a problem I’ve been wondering about. Perhaps you can help. How is it that a creator with no potential can originate a creature with potential? Because the creator has to sustain all such potential in the creature any so called free will in the creature would necessarily be expressed as change in the creator. In order that we be truly free to choose the choice must be made ex nihilo at the moment its made or else it would not really be free will but merely the will expressed out of the already established potential of a multitude of possibilities each with no potential within its frame of reference rendering any will expressed within it not free. Either there’s a multitude of each of us out there in which all potential is established, without change in the creator, simultaneously, or by the collapse of these potentials into a free will choice by the creature change has occurred in the creator by sustaining the creatures choice. Hopefully you can get the gist of the dilemma I’m describing as this is a very preliminary sketch.No. Change is the actualization of potential. You need to show why a potential being necessarily requires an actualization of potential in its creator. Its already be explained that a cause can exist simultaneously with its effect without change.