Why I am a Catholic vegan

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A lot of people think that being a vegetarian is weird. Many people probably also think that being a vegan is being a tree-hugging nut, right? Well, I am here to tell you that I became a vegan for simple moral reasons. I became a vegetarian first, followed by going on to veganism. I learned about a meat industry that abuses most animals, and how their life is miserable until they are inhumanely killed. I encourage everyone here to explore vegetarianism and maybe even veganism. Here are some sites to get you started, or at least thinking.

I like the taste of meat way too much to stop eating it. If you feel bad for the poorly treated animals, ban the companies that treat their animals poorly.

Acts 11:7 “Then I heard a voice that said to me, ‘Now Peter, kill and eat!’”
So let’s do just that.
I learned about a meat industry that abuses most animals, and how their life is miserable until they are inhumanely killed.
I watched a slaughter house in L.A. killing cows as an impressionable youth. The thought it seared into my brain and heart was: “O were it only possible that I could go into that goodnight so easily.”

The typical American with full health coverage dies in a far more miserable and painful manner and with far less dignity than any cow or pig.

I suggest you get some real-life experience before pontificating on the real death experiences all us animals are heir to. – Albert The Traditional Catholic
I like the taste of meat way too much to stop eating it.
That’s a poor argument. Your rationale could be used to justify one’s poor taste in drugs, alcohol, and women. – Sincerely, Albert the Traditional Catholic
I totally can appreciate why someone becomes vegetarian or vegan for moral reasons. I also believe the animals suffer terribly on factory farms. I was vegetarian for years and vegan for only one year but I returned to eating meat, probably because I was raised on a cattle ranch and grew up eating meat and I found it to be extremely difficult to remain vegan. I think veganism is the healthiest choice of diet. When I purchase meat now I do not purchase from factory farms. I only buy from “humane” local family farms. Luckily in my area this is possible.

I think vegetarianism is really important to discuss. There is a lot to learn about it and there are numerous books available to folks who are interested in it. It is important for people to understand where their food comes from and the conditions the animals of today often have to live in. It is abominable.

Thanks for this thread, friend! and God bless!
Although Catholic, I am not a vegan. But I certainly honor the right of anyone to be a vegan, and I certainly would never call a vegan “weird”. The only thing I ask is that those who choose to be vegans refrain from attacking those of us who are not for not being vegans.
albert cipriani:
The typical American with full health coverage dies in a far more miserable and painful manner and with far less dignity than any cow or pig.

I suggest you get some real-life experience before pontificating on the real death experiences all us animals are heir to.
I have real life experience. I’ve seen two very good friends die in the past two years, one after months of suffering.

The “typical American with full health coverage dies in a far more miserable and painful manner and with far less dignity than any cow or pig” is a ludicrous statement.

Perhaps you should actually research what really goes on a factory “farm.” I suggest you start with Dominion by Matthew Scully. His Christian approach is a refreshing change to the shrill nonsense of the likes of PETA.

If nothing else, Scully is definitely more sensible that wagging your finger at someone who you’ve probably never even met and denigrating that person’s heartfelt beliefs as resulting from ignorance.

– Mark L. Chance.
Today there are more options, such as “open range” products. I’ve found that open range chicken has more flavor. The more people support these alternatives, prices will come down and companies may take notice.
I would be more likely to become vegetarian if it was regarded as a health decision rather than as a religion. I live with a vegetarian (who is also a republican, golfer, computer geek, softball player) he is out there now making a pot of vegetable soup for us. His idea of a meal is to mike a white or sweet potato, open a few cans of veggies and dump them on top, with a ketchup garnish and mike the whole thing. The kids call it “dad-chow”. pretty disgusting.

My idea of vegetarian eatings is a stir fry of fresh whatever comes from the garden or farm stand that day, or oven grilled broccoli, asparagus, fresh green beans, or creative salads. I have tried a strict hi-carb veggie diet several times and cannot regulate my blood sugar without small amounts of animal protein.
I am not a vegetarian and very likely will never be so. However I respect the decision of those who choose that particular way of life.

I have friends who are vegetarian and we all get together periodically for huge dinners coupled with various wines. Unless it is a party for a particular person who is not vegetarian, we usually have all veggies…and I have had some WONDERFUL dishes! IN fact, as a result of one dinner I make a GREAT garlic soup made with a vegetable stock base. I’m sure it could be made with chicken stock, however I’m not sure that won’t ruin the flavor I’ve become accustomed to in that soup.

There are wonderful and creative things that can be done with vegetables, but the one comment I can make about some vegetarians I know is that they don’t always get enough protien. I know that does not apply to all vegetarians, but it’s something for maybe “newbies” to keep an eye on.
My idea of vegetarian eatings is a stir fry of fresh whatever comes from the garden or farm stand that day, or oven grilled broccoli, asparagus, fresh green beans, or creative salads. I have tried a strict hi-carb veggie diet several times and cannot regulate my blood sugar without small amounts of animal protein.
Are you available for catering? 🙂

I know some people who are vegetarians and are obese, they have been veges. for years. We are meant to eat meat, just our society today does everything to excess and that is when we have problems (guilty here also). We need complex proteins, it has been shown that it promoted brain growth early in our development. Also, the bible says the animals are put here to serve us. Cows are meant to be eaten. I have more respect for the people who deny themselves based on the treatment of animals than for those who just say we cannot eat them because of some strange ideals.
I know a few, but would never become one. Sometimes we do need that iron and the vitamins from meat. Yes I also love to eat meat to much to become a vegan.
albert cipriani:
That’s a poor argument. Your rationale could be used to justify one’s poor taste in drugs, alcohol, and women. – Sincerely, Albert the Traditional Catholic
Stop taking yourself so seriously.
I’m not vegetarian or vegan, and probably won’t be. Animals were created by God for human use. It is excessive indulgence in meat that results in many health problems, like heart disease. However, I fully respect the choices of those who became vegetarians/vegans for purely health reasons.

Gerry 🙂
I would argue how animals are treated on “factory farms”. I have been in houses that hold a million laying hens to a dairy that milks 2000 cows, to numerouse feed yards that finish 200 to 10,000 cattle. From MY experience the driving force behind the industries and the reason you go to work every morning is $$. If animals are mistreated they do not produce as much thus affecting the bottom line decreasing $$. If they were not comfortable and afforded ample feed and medication they would not produce. MOST producers in these industries takes care of their investment.

In my opinion, many of your neighbors pets are treated much worse than most livestock. My Veterinarian friend has terrible stories of how animals we call pets are mistreated.

I suppose it depends on the definition. I haven’t had red meat in years. I eat chicken maybe twice a week. Other than that - no meat. Unless you count tuna? Does fish count? I don’t eat alot of meat because I don’t think it’s healthy. Plus I don’t like the taste/texture. But to each his own.

I must say that I think the PETA folks are nuts. I lost what little respect I might have had for them when they errected the billboards that feature a giant pig with the caption: He died for your sins.
Pathetic. To equate what our Savior did on the cross to a pig - shame on them.
I know many vegetarians & a few vegans - the vegetarians are by far healthier because they eat milk products & in some cases non-fertile eggs. The vegans eat way too much processed soy junk.

When we have potlucks we always put a note beside vegetarian dishes & specify no eggs. My daughter makes a killer chocolate chip cookie without eggs for her vegetarian friends

The only thing PETA & I have in common is dislike for factory farms - we raise our own meat. PETA is very anti-Christian & many of their ads are vulgar.
FYI. When cattle are slaughtered they are stunned rendering them unconscious. The carotid artery is cut and the animal bleeds to death. The entire process lasts less than 1 minute. The stunning takes less than 1 second accomplished by a close captioned bolt run on compressed air. I am certain this is standard operating proceedure in modern fascilities.


I spent quite a little time at one of the links you posted , while shocking I cannot say I am moved to overly criticize the livestock industry nor reduce my consumption of meat. Many pro animal groups never take a picture at the best time, only the worst. I would have liked PETA to take there camera to my Grandfathers bathtube about 5 years ago. He had a cow he knew would calve sometime at night. It was winter and the temperature below freezing. Not the best conditions for calving. About four in the morning he found cow and new calf. Calf was of course freezing cold so he takes calf in the house and warms him up in the bathtub with warm water. Calf lived and was taken to cow later that day. I wish now I would have held my last reply because the information was on the sight I visited:)


I would like to become a vegetarian, and certainly agree with it for moral and health reasons, but there are so many meat dishes I’ve grown up with and grown accustomed to. If I could break my attachment to those foods, I’d easily turn veggie.
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