If one looks to how God made things, and just a little logic, one would clearly see that humans are intended by their anatomy and physiology to be omniverous, tending more towards carniverous. Our digestive tract is most definitely, absolutely, without a doubt not herbiverous.
All herbivors have some sort of “fermentation vat” somewhere in their gut. Some are foregut fermentors, such as ruminants. Others like horses and rabbits are hindgut fermentors. The reason for this is that mammals have no way to digest cellulose, the main component of most plants. Needless to say, humans are neither foregut nor hindgut fermentors.
Another clue is that in general, herbivors do not have a protein requirement, because they derive all their amino acid (protein building blocks) from the bacteria that digest the cellulose. Humans have a definite requirement for very specific amino acids. Also, humans can manufacture** all** of their carbohydrate requirements from protein (gluconeogenesis). Some societies such as Eskimo live very healthy lives without eating** any** plant material for years at a time. Our dentition is not herbiverous. I could to on… Suffice it to say that we did not survive the ice age on tofu.
My point is that there is no physical/health reason to be a vegetarian/vegan.
Those that are vegans are because they have an agenda. They should remember that only plants can survive without killing something. Vegans make the moral (for lack of a better term) judgement that it is better to kill one sort of living thing than another. Nowhere in the Bible does it say that eating animals is wrong. Many of the people we see in the bible (Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, etc.) were herdsmen…sheep, goats, cattle and camels. What do you think they did with those animals??? They ate them. God commanded that they MUST eat lamb at Passover…those that did not lost their firstborn at the first Passover (or died if they were eldest).