Serious question. I mean how is Harry worse than Gandalf
Tolkien was a devout Catholic and this shines through a lot of his writing. If you’re familiar with Tolkien’s world, you’ll actually find that Gandalf was not a man or elf at all, but a Maia, which is basically a lesser angel, who is capable of things beyond what mere mortal men or even immortal elves can do. (Sauron, too, is actually a Maia)Serious question. I mean how is Harry worse than Gandalf
Harry himself, actually.In many ways Gandalf is a type representing Christ, while as far as I know there is no such figure in the Harry Potter series.
I always thought Harry Potter to somewhat be that figure. He was the promised one, he must die, the resurrection stone…there is no such figure in the Harry Potter series.
Harry is the figure representing Christ in Rowling’s series.In many ways Gandalf is a type representing Christ, while as far as I know there is no such figure in the Harry Potter series.
The themes in Harry Potter don’t have Christian allegory like LoTR, and the general tone of the novels “feel” a bit closer to the actual wizardry/new age stuff that people dabble with in real life.Serious question. I mean how is Harry worse than Gandalf
Oh, not all of them accept Tolkien’s writings either. I think it might have been Fr. Shannon Collins or Fr. Philip Wolfe who gave a somewhat infamous sermon railing against LOTR…Why is Harry Potter hated by some Catholics for magic when lord of the rings has Gandalf who was a wizard?
Probably just a matter of timing. Most backlash occurs at the height of a book’s popularity.Serious question. I mean how is Harry worse than Gandalf