Why is it always this way?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Teresa9
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Dear friends

Why do threads always end up in arguments when the topics and materials discussed could be very beneficial, pride always seems to get in the way of the threads developing, to an outsider looking in it just looks like a whole load of arguing, rather than discussion?

I have seriously considered not responding to some posts or ignoring them altogether, but somehow this doesn’t seem right…what do you all think?

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

Many people can’t discuss without arguing. Many people take things too seriously. These forums aren’t for everyone.
I agree with you Teresa. I often wished the same and would have preferred to keep on talking, but what do you do when people prefer to shout or to take pot shots at one another? I am taking a break from all this. God bless.
Probably, if Thomas Aquinas had had access to a Catholic internet forum, he might never have gotten around to writing the Summa. Plus, he might have found it more difficult to develop and retain a charitable disposition.
Many people can’t discuss without arguing. Many people take things too seriously. These forums aren’t for everyone.
Dear friend

I would say these forums are for everyone and everyone is welcome and has a place here just as they do in the church, no-one is ommitted or left out.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

I agree with you Teresa. I often wished the same and would have preferred to keep on talking, but what do you do when people prefer to shout or to take pot shots at one another? I am taking a break from all this. God bless.
Dearest Tru

It would be a grave shame for you not to participate in the forums , I have found some of your pieces very helpful and enlightening. Take a break if need be, but don’t break off altogether dear friend

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

I also agree Teresa. There are many different opinions that are shared here all about one thing: the Catholic faith. It’s amazing to me how we can differ in opinion just amoung Catholics but then add the non-Catholics and wow sparks can fly!

If someone is to make a remark that is insulting to you, report that person. Especially the repeat offenders. There is no place on this forum for conduct like this. They have no right to make the forum a place where good abiding Catholics and non-Catholics feel out of place, afraid to share or belittled.

Keep in mind that the more an individual is reported the more likely that person will be banned. We can help the moderator by being their eyes.

It’s unfortunate that egos have flared and has turned people off to something that could be very beneficial to them.

Peace of mind to all of you,
you said it best…PRIDE, my friend, just plain old stinking pride… nuff said 👍
Unfortunately some people just like sowing dissent and arguing.
There’s a story about a debate between the Sun and the Wind. Both were arguing about who was the most able to persuade John Doe to remove his coat. Wind had the first attempt.

He whirled ferociously at John, yet the harder he blew, the tighter John wrapped his coat around himself. Try blowing a bit harder, goaded Sun as he watched intently. Another super blast and he would surely have John surrendering, thought Wind, and he mightily stormed upon the poor gentleman with all of his power. Nothing prevailed.

My turn, replied Sun. With an ever so gentle warming beam, Sun glowed down upon John with a soft brightness and lazy heat that became slightly more intense. As the warmth increased, John Doe removed his coat.

Would that we all might smile upon our opponent with the Son’s warmth! Nothing worthwhile can be accomplished with brashness, even if one happens to be right.

I have seriously considered not responding to some posts or ignoring them altogether, but somehow this doesn’t seem right…what do you all think?
Dear Teresa9,
I think you answered your own question.

It is perfectly right and wise to respond while those responses are met with civility and good intent. As soon as that changes, don’t waste your time there.

It’s their problem, not yours.

Good grief, has anyone ever heard a group of Greek, Irish, or Italian men discuss politics or sports? This place is kids place compared to being in the middle of those. Some people need to develop a bit thicker skin.
Unfortunately some people just like sowing dissent and arguing.
Theresa, you are not alone in how you see this. After all how can we even hope to have a charitable discussion when a few, fortunately a very few people go ballistic immediately if some one dares to present a point of view different from theirs.

I’ve even seen one person here tell others to ignore another poster.

I understand how Tru feels and more than likely I’ll join him/her(?) as there is no way to have a conversation seeking truth when a few, again, a very few, are throwing tantrums.

Maybe Sobie really nailed it.

Good grief, has anyone ever heard a group of Greek, Irish, or Italian men discuss politics or sports? This place is kids place compared to being in the middle of those. Some people need to develop a bit thicker skin.
Its not the skin its the skull. 😃
Its not the skin its the skull. 😃
No, I just don’t have a problem passionately discussing the issues. Sometimes, in the height of their passion, some people forget their manners. They are human and have faults. The important thing to do is to look at their statements to see if they have any merit. I rarely get my feathers ruffled when people make dumb comments about me, or call me names. Forgive and forget, see if you can find a mutual ground, but never compromise the truth. If someone here is an obvious flamer warrior, I just report them to the administrators. If it is true and the person exists solely to create havoc, they usually find themselves banned or suspended in short order.
Good grief, has anyone ever heard a group of Greek, Irish, or Italian men discuss politics or sports? This place is kids place compared to being in the middle of those. Some people need to develop a bit thicker skin.
I agree.
Good grief, has anyone ever heard a group of Greek, Irish, or Italian men discuss politics or sports? This place is kids place compared to being in the middle of those. Some people need to develop a bit thicker skin.
In the days of large and extended famlilies, one wouldn’t even have this thread - 😛

Trying to get a word in edgewise bbetween a half dozen brothers, sisters, then the in-laws, the kids, the grandparents and whoever else dropped in - you not only had to be fast when the food came round, you had to use an elbow or two to get into the chair and talk loud and fast to get a word in edgewise.
In the days of large and extended famlilies, one wouldn’t even have this thread - 😛

Trying to get a word in edgewise bbetween a half dozen brothers, sisters, then the in-laws, the kids, the grandparents and whoever else dropped in - you not only had to be fast when the food came round, you had to use an elbow or two to get into the chair and talk loud and fast to get a word in edgewise.
Amen. My paternal great-grandparents had 19 kids. Family reunions had to be run in shifts and took a whole weekend. :whacky:
Good grief, has anyone ever heard a group of Greek, Irish, or Italian men discuss politics or sports? This place is kids place compared to being in the middle of those. Some people need to develop a bit thicker skin.
I agree. To be perfectly candid, a discussion forum may not be the right place for those who are easily hurt or angered by an opposing opinion, even if the other person courteously speaks the truth.

Gerry 🙂
I agree. To be perfectly candid, a discussion forum may not be the right place for those who are easily hurt or angered by an opposing opinion, even if the other person courteously speaks the truth.

Gerry 🙂
This is true, but then again, I think we should all strive to be as charitable as possible. Just because we are discussing heated topics does not mean we have to do so uncharitably. And yes, I know I’ve been guilty of a lack of charity from time to time as well.
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