
Dear Teresa,Why do threads always end up in arguments when the topics and materials discussed could be very beneficial, pride always seems to get in the way of the threads developing, to an outsider looking in it just looks like a whole load of arguing, rather than discussion?
Part of the problem is that many people simply don’t know how to discuss issues effectively, particularly when the issues are emotionally loaded to them.
We are often quick to judge each other without really listening to each other. A great deal of the time there is no fundamental difference between the participants but they have different views or explanations of the same thing. Slight shades of differences in understanding words can make a big difference on issues where people already feel self-conscious or self-righteous.
Also, some of us have no problem with being corrected if we are wrong, but when we are accused and impugned, or otherwise spoken to in such a way that we perceive a lack of respect, we get defensive and then it becomes a contest rather than a discussion and the goal is no longer to share ideas or find truth, but to win. The other person thus changes in our perception from being a fellow part of the Body of Christ to being a minion of the enemy, if not the enemy himself. Once we discard the love of Christ, we revert back to “love your friend and hate your enemy.”
This all comes very naturally in a society where wordly success is brought about by presenting oneself as more worthy – to human observers and judges – than another for rewards.
I have come to realize that when I am called a heretic and otherwise impugned for stating my honest opinions, I am richly blessed. (Matt 5:10-12) We can then look at people who generate hostile posts against us as blessing factories! They do us a great service, and without pay. :dancing: