Why is the Pope Endorsing Same Sex Unions in Film

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Why is the Holy Father endorsing same same unions? It appears to me that has been a view of his prior to becoming pope, going back to his time as a archbishop. Does he still stand for marriage between a man and woman? This is another reason, among others, that had me leave Catholicism.

If homosexuals want to be in same sex unions, great — that is their choice. I really need to understand the church’s position on marriage between a man and woman in light of Francis’ endorsing this union

Is there different issue being advanced, in light of his endorsement?
Everything I am finding says he BRIEFLY supported Civil Unions BEFORE he became the Pope. That’s not the same as a change in policy.
The Forbes article says: Pope Francis called for the legalization of same-sex civil unions for the first time as pope, a shift from the Catholic Church’s longstanding doctrine on LGBTQ rights, though Francis appeared to stop short of supporting same-sex marriage outright.

Apparently it’s coming from comments he made in an Italian documentary released on Wednesday.
The Church’s position on marriage between a man and a woman hasn’t changed. The pope supports civil unions, which are not marriages, and clearly states that the purpose is to provide legal protections.
No longer a sin of scandal if the Pope himself “called for the legalization of same-sex civil unions for the first time as pope, a shift from the Catholic Church’s longstanding doctrine on LGBTQ rights…”
Please remember, the Pope has a right to his opinion. It does not become Church Policy simply because of an interview. Personally, I think as this is a Civil Matter, just have no comment, but Pope Francis must comment about everything it seems.
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We already have a thread on this.
Pope Francis calls for civil union law for same-sex couples Catholic News
In some places, same sex partners are not recognized as next-of-kin. In addition to inheritance rights, this has caused situations such as not being allowed at the bedside of a lifetime dying partner. That’s what these laws aim to correct, and I fully support them. I no longer even care if it is called a civil marriage. I do recognize it can never be a sacramental marriage. If the article is true, it’s a sign of the Holy Father’s humanity and pastoral wisdom. It only increases my admiratio…

No need for two threads on the exact same topic. Please continue the discussion there.
Not really. Average Catholics are not going to be too bent out of shape by this. They are mostly at least one step ahead of the Pope on this already. Whoever is going to oppose the Pope on this opposes him already, so he’s not likely to make any new enemies.
Pope Francis clearly referred to civil unions, not to sacramental marriage.
In my case, I’m saying render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s (civil law) and render unto God what is God’s (the sacraments).

We do not live in a theocracy. We need to understand that the Law not only should allow, but protect different belief systems when crime is not involved.
Well I’ve been saying the Church has been going downhill since the 2014 synod of the family it’s basically going to end up like the Church of England.
Well if that’s the case than the gates of Hades would have prevailed against the Church, the Bible would be wrong, and we may as well try our luck with Islam, Buddhism, The Golden Rule, or nothing at all.

Have faith! The Church will hold fast.
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This is another reason, among others, that had me leave Catholicism.
I don’t understand the logic behind this. An individual Pope making an error or a priest committing a sin doesn’t invalidate the the Apostolic Succession or disprove God.
And this reasoning, if applied equally to protestant sects, would encourage one to leave one sect after another for the same reason, because “one pastor said so”.
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