Why is the Pope Endorsing Same Sex Unions in Film

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Again a law can be passed that says you can give your money to anyone you feel like. Why glorify homosexuality?
You can generally give your money to anyone you like.

But in the U.S. you can leave an unlimited amount of assets to your spouse tax free.

If the person you want to leave the assets to is not legally recognized as your spouse, there might be a tax on it.

“Spouse” status also comes into play with Social Security benefits and Medicaid.
It is exactly what you are doing.
Nope. The fact that you think I am does not make you correct.
You can pass laws that you are concerned about that does not glorify homosexuality.
And this is exactly what Pope Francis is advocating for. You got there! 🙂
Again a law can be passed that says you can give your money to anyone you feel like. Why glorify homosexuality?
See above.
I read fine. You mentioned no “familial” rights in your post.
Visiting someone in the hospital isn’t a familial right?
Okay but homosexual relationships are not equivalent to heterosexual marriages. I don’t see your point. The government should be glorifying marriage and the benefits I think are great.
Nope. The fact that you think I am does not make you correct.
The fact you think aren’t doesn’t mean you are. Denounce civil unions and I will recant my statement.
And this is exactly what Pope Francis is advocating for. You got there! 🙂
Well if we are to believe Pope Francis actually means homosexual unions then no that is not what he is advocating for. He could advocate for a hospital law that doesn’t exclude homosexuals. There is no need to promote homosexuality with it.
Visiting someone in the hospital isn’t a familial right?
I guess. I just did not really categorize those as rights really. If the person doesn’t want their family there they still are not given this “right” to visit. Saw it more as policy than a right.
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Denounce civil unions and I will recant my statement.
I’m not bothered enough about your statement to bother. What’s wrong with civil unions?
He could advocate for a hospital law that doesn’t exclude homosexuals. There is no need to promote homosexuality with it.
This IS essentially what he’s promoting.
I guess. I just did not really categorize those as rights really. If the person doesn’t want their family there they still are not given this “right” to visit. Saw it more as policy than a right.
It’s a right at least to an extent, or else hospitals wouldn’t prevent non-family from visiting, methinks.
I’m not bothered enough about your statement to bother. What’s wrong with civil unions?
The fact that it promotes homosexuality which we as Catholics oppose. The fact you won’t condemn it is startling. Will you at least denounce homosexuality (not SSA but actual homosexuality)?
This IS essentially what he’s promoting.
But it isn’t. He should but he isn’t. Instead he is promoting homosexuality if we believe that is what he actually intended. Of course he won’t clarify and continues to scandalize the faithful.
It’s a right at least to an extent, or else hospitals wouldn’t prevent non-family from visiting, methinks.
It’s more policy than anything. A right is something immutable which this clearly is not.
The fact that it promotes homosexuality which we as Catholics oppose. The fact you won’t condemn it is startling.
I won’t, because it doesn’t. There is a note of hysterics in the content of your replies which in itself is a bit startling.
Will you at least denounce homosexuality (not SSA but actual homosexuality)?
…no, simply because I don’t engage in silly purity tests. I’m Catholic and faithful to the Church, and that’s good enough for you, Internet Stranger.
But it isn’t.
But it is.
He should but he isn’t.
But he is.
Instead he is promoting homosexuality
But he’s not.
Of course he won’t clarify and continues to scandalize the faithful.
Only those looking for scandal around every corner, it seems.
It’s more policy than anything. A right is something immutable which this clearly is not.
Let’s hope you’re never prevented from seeing your loved ones in the hospital, then. I bet you’d change your tune in a New York minute.
I won’t, because it doesn’t. There is a note of hysterics in the content of your replies which in itself is a bit startling.
It is not hysterics. I am trying to figure out if you actually follow Church teaching so I can understand where your perspective. Do you believe that homosexual relationships and sexual acts are grave matter and evil?
Only those looking for scandal around every corner, it seems.
I am not looking for scandal. I want clarification to what he is saying. If you follow Church teaching and do agree that homosexual relationships are grave matter, then why promote it as a legally required in law? This hospital issue can be done without legitimizing a grave matter such as homosexual relationships. If I am wrong can you please explain to me what I am wrong about?
Let’s hope you’re never prevented from seeing your loved ones in the hospital, then. I bet you’d change your tune in a New York minute.
Again it is not a “right”. A right is immutable which this not. Would I pissed about a bad policy, yes. Also, I do not disagree with a homosexual person being allowed the ability to have anyone of their choice by their deathbed. We can just do it in a way that doesn’t legitimize gravely immoral relationships.
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Joseph Sciambra:

"Therefore, when Pope Francis seems to give tacit approval to same-sex civil unions, it substantiates the narrative that has been circulating among LGBT Catholics for decades – that the church is changing. As one observer in the once Catholic stronghold of Ireland put it: “Nobody could have imagined it…” Now, I can surely understand why so many have chosen to stay in the Church – it actually looks like it’s changing.

For those of us who chose to embrace Catholic teachings – these theoretical “changes” have left very little room for us.""


Edited to add: Joseph Sciambra apparently was rescued from a homosexual lifestyle by a good priest, but only after other priests tried to tell him he was fine just as he was. He wasn’t fine. Now he sees the Church seemingly abandoning its own teaching. It is disturbing to him.
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That is well said. We really need to squash the homosexuality issue. Pope Francis needs to come out and clarify that he not only condemns civil unions but ANY homosexual relationship or homosexual act and that it will ALWAYS be a gravely evil matter.
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I’m not upset. I just don’t know why a Catholic is openly promoting ideas contrary to Catholic teaching and was trying to understand. But you don’t seem to care that you might be wrong. I will pray for your soul @Raxus!! God bless.
Oh I didn’t mean it to be poison. I thought we were having a good conversation but he just refused which made me think he was not open to new ideas which is fine. And at an end of a (polite) argument I just wanted to pray for @Raxus. I meant no ill-will towards him. @Fauken you must agree with that at least.
Oh I didn’t mean it to be poison. I thought we were having a good conversation but he just refused which made me think he was not open to new ideas which is fine.
There’s not being open to new ideas, and then there’s not caring that one might be wrong (and thus hold obstinately to ideas contrary to Catholic teaching).
And at an end of a (polite) argument I just wanted to pray for @Raxus. I meant no ill-will towards him. @Fauken you must agree with that at least.
The internet is a hard place to judge intent and meaning. All we have are each other’s words to go off of. There are plenty of unfortunate misunderstandings that occur, both on and off this website.
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I am new and you are a regular and I respect you on the forum. I just don’t members like you to think I am being rude and uncharitable. Sorry for the confusion.
You think you “tolerate” masks and that this is equal to a gay pride parade? What?
Not equal, but similar in that my elected officials wish to mandate I wear a mask, and silently watch as a ‘pride parade’ goes by. They may as well mandate a silencing human muzzle device. However, that is yet another mandate I’d not cooperate with, agree with, or be silent about.
Last year I saw there was some sort of “pride” thing going on at a nearby Air Force Base. Being that I am a disabled USAF veteran, I feel I have a right to say I’m disappointed with the chain of command who permitted such a thing.
I would understand if they were selling large closets for all those ppl to climb back into where they would be more appropriately doing their shameful evils in the dark. But God sees them regardless. And because He sees my wife and I as well, we don’t make out in public, or discuss anything related to the marital bed with anyone. I don’t want others to know my most private life, nor do I want to know anyone else’s. The LGBT community wants to be seen/heard/accepted, all while attempting to silence those of us whom disagree. Hypocrisy at best.
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