Why isn't guaranteed maternity leave a "pro-life" imperative?

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Mothers who choose life aren’t legally protected from losing their jobs. Aside from taking steps to make deliveries more affordable, shouldn’t maternity leave be an essential part of what it means to be “pro-life”? It’s like we’re all for the babies but nobody seems to care about the mother who’s carrying that baby in her belly or nine months – the family’s expected to pull themselves up by the bootstraps and if they lose their incoming for choosing life…well, too bad, so sad.
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No, maternity leave shouldn’t be an essential part of the pro-life platform

I don’t really follow your logic as many employers are required by law to offer this leave. Look up The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993
If they work a certain amount of hours, they are legally protected from firing. And if they are a good reliable part time worker, an employer would be stupid to let them go.
Yes, just not paid maternity leave. If they are a fulltime worker, they can use PTO to cover some maternity leave.
Guaranteed paid maternity leave could potentially encourage some women living in poverty to keep their babies instead of turning to abortion. A lot of abortions are performed for economic reasons, so providing more assistance and support to these economically-disadvantaged women may dissuade them from obtaining an abortion. I think the USA offers the shortest maternity leave in comparison to most other developed countries.
Here in Canada, women have the option of taking maternity leave for a full year. I think it’s a good idea, as more women have more time to bond with and take care of their babies. It probably increases breastfeeding rates as well.
sure it’s possible, but if she’s already living in poverty, i doubt she has a full time job
Why not? She could still be classified as living below the poverty line if she’s working one or even more than one full-time low-paying job. Minimum wage is not enough to live off of in most places, especially large cities with high costs of living.
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Guaranteed paid maternity leave could potentially encourage some women living in poverty to keep their babies instead of turning to abortion.
Guaranteed paid maternity leave could potentially make it a lot more difficult for young gals of child bearing age to get a job in the first place. A lot of employers can’t afford this kind of expense.
What the US doesnt have that almost every country on earth has is guaranteed paid family leave. I am all for guaranteed paid maternal leave. The Family Leave Act only guarantees unpaid leave. The people who need it most often dont have jobs that pay maternity leave. Luckily my wife works for the school system, so she has benefits many in the private sector do not get. I wish every mother had the kind of security my wife had. It was very beneficial.
Yes, clearly your scenario is valid.
12 wks of paid maternity leave will solve her dillema and she’ll just go back to working her min wage full time job.

The reality is very few adults earn minimum wage for full time work, and this hypothetical single mom is gonna need a lot more than a few weeks of paid time to support herself and a baby.
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Mothers who choose life aren’t legally protected from losing their jobs.
It’s illegal in the US to fire someone because they’re pregnant, illegal to not hire anyone because they’re pregnant, illegal to ask a woman if she can become pregnant, if she is pregnant, if she has been pregnant, you can’t count pregnancy as a pre-existing condition (though you can charge for a pregnancy rider on an insurance policy, and it’s not usually cheap when that’s the option)…this has been illegal here for quite some time.
I don’t really follow your logic as many employers are required by law to offer this leave. Look up The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993
That’s not paid maternity leave. Not even close.
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If its true poverty, then shes most likely not working full time and she probably already is on welfare. Sometimes women have babies to get more welfare money and then sell food stamps to buy drugs. Many other working class women WANT those govt subsidies including Medicaid to kick in for both them and their child so keep their working hours low and get what they can from the child’s father.

If she works fulltime, she should accrue plenty of PTO over a year to cover at least a months worth of maternity leave.
part time workers don’t get full time paid leave, nor should they.
Then how does almost every nation on earth do it? The US is one of four UN states that do not. The others include Papua New Guinea, Swaziland and i think Leosotho. I am sure each country finds a system that works.
Then how does almost every nation on earth do it? The US is one of four UN states that do not.
Here in the United States, the expectation is that the baby’s daddy is going to step up and be a man about it, pony up the necessary funds.

Its a system that’s worked pretty well for a long time.
Then how does almost every nation on earth do it? The US is one of four UN states that do not.
Here in the United States, the expectation is that the baby’s daddy is going to step up and be a man about it, pony up the necessary funds.

Its a system that’s worked pretty well for a long time.
We are the only developed nation without mandated paid maternity leave. The only one.

Nothing to do with the role of a father. Absolutely nothing. Dads don’t give birth and don’t nurse.
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