I believe that we in general need to simplify our lives, which reduces the basic cost of living. I don’t deny it’s hard to get by for most middle class people and poorer. I don’t even fault the person since this is culturally driven by increasing sizes of houses, etc etc. The small family homes that were the norm in previous generations have probably doubled in size. These old homes have been torn down and a new, bigger, and more expensive home has replaced it on the lot.
While you hint at it I don’t think you understand that it takes an enormous amount of effort to simplify these days. I have a stand-alone house. My husband and I wanted the land to garden, keep chickens and for the children to be able to entertain themselves by exploring…so at least a couple acres. The
smallest home we found for sale with a minimum of 1.75 acres was 1500 sqft WITH a basement and a garage. We ended up with 3 acres and a slightly smaller home with no garage.
We have no telephone so we need cell phones. We use trac phones to keep things simple but the cheapest smartphone plan is $130 a year.
There is no public transportation where I live, so we must own two cars or else I’d be stuck 5 miles from town with small child children while my husband used his car for work. (I couldn’t just drop him off)
There is no garbage service. So again, need a car to bring garbage to the dump.
There is no city water or sewer, so we’re on a well. To conserve water we have a high-efficiency dishwasher and clothes washer.
It would be easy to “coupon” but I don’t use any brand name food. I plan my laundry days around the weather, I plan my menu for the week to an exact science, I repair everything and clean everything. Along with my freelance work, I probably spend less “quality time” with my children than a typical 2 parent working household.
It takes a TREMENDOUS amount of work to “live simply” and it’s not always the best or practical for families. In fact, living “simply” is probably one of the more complex ways to live today. My lovely Catholic OBGYN would make extra time to chat with me about what I was doing because she was shocked at how I kept my house running. Her husband is a SAHD but they have enough money to afford themselves many shortcuts that
actually keep things simple.