Forty-four years after the Roe v Wade decision, it’s a little bit frustrating that abortion is still legal and relatively easy to access across the United States, and it’s a little bit frustrating that the pro-life/pro-choice line has leveled off at 50/50. Given the fact that it’s been almost a half-century now and we as a movement have gotten about two steps out of a mile, it’s pretty safe to say that something’s broken. But what?
If I had to guess, the main problem is that the pro-life movement has focused too much on making sure the fetus* stays alive until birth, rather than making sure that both the child and mother are well off and actually able to raise a child. Birthright is going to do a lot more toward ending abortion than March for Life ever will. And as long as we as a movement are too focused on the life of the child without paying attention to the circumstances surrounding the decision to abort: as long as we think that abortion is a thing people actually want to have, rather than a regrettable-on-all-sides last resort that most women are forced into anyway: as long as we forget that there are two people involved, women are going to be turned off by the pro-life movement and procure abortions because pro-lifers act like jerks.
*To be clear, no, I’m not denying the fetus’s humanity; that would be tantamount to saying that calling a high-schooler an adolescent makes them less human. I am simply using the technical term for a human between eight weeks pregnancy and birth.
If I had to guess, the main problem is that the pro-life movement has focused too much on making sure the fetus* stays alive until birth, rather than making sure that both the child and mother are well off and actually able to raise a child. Birthright is going to do a lot more toward ending abortion than March for Life ever will. And as long as we as a movement are too focused on the life of the child without paying attention to the circumstances surrounding the decision to abort: as long as we think that abortion is a thing people actually want to have, rather than a regrettable-on-all-sides last resort that most women are forced into anyway: as long as we forget that there are two people involved, women are going to be turned off by the pro-life movement and procure abortions because pro-lifers act like jerks.
*To be clear, no, I’m not denying the fetus’s humanity; that would be tantamount to saying that calling a high-schooler an adolescent makes them less human. I am simply using the technical term for a human between eight weeks pregnancy and birth.