New member
Most of us believe we humans and our planet are the center of the universe. Our thinking is not so different in this sense from that of the Church in Galileo’s day, which believed the sun revolves around the earth. We may not believe the latter anymore, but we still believe we are morally the center of the universe. After all, how could it be otherwise? G-d Incarnate in the Person of Jesus came to earth, and nowhere else. G-d’s Law was given to Moses on earth, and nowhere else. Our human lives are more important than the lives of all other, non-human animals. Doesn’t the (human) Bible tell us so? Moreover, our own religion is more complete than any other. It alone is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. We evaluate other cultures in comparison to our own, which we generally prefer.
My question is why do we think this way, and why must we believe that all of this is true? Psychologists would say we have a cognitive and motivational need to differentiate ourselves from other species, other cultures, and other people, to consider ourselves special and superior. This differentiation gives us our unique identity. If we did not in some way satisfy this need, we would likely become uneasy, upset, disturbed, anxious, depressed, mad. We could not live comfortably without thinking this way.
Your thoughts on the matter?
My question is why do we think this way, and why must we believe that all of this is true? Psychologists would say we have a cognitive and motivational need to differentiate ourselves from other species, other cultures, and other people, to consider ourselves special and superior. This differentiation gives us our unique identity. If we did not in some way satisfy this need, we would likely become uneasy, upset, disturbed, anxious, depressed, mad. We could not live comfortably without thinking this way.
Your thoughts on the matter?