Just as long as the ads tell The Truth.
Not like the Mormons who are having ads to change their image and not conveying who they really are.
WIth Catholic Answers taking out a full page ad in USA TODAY last week for and about the voters guideis a cool and gutsy move. That ad alone speaks volumes on what the Catholic Church believes and says about our moral stance.
go with God!
This is why ads on TV won’t work unless the Truth of Christ is presented.
NBC, CBS, UPN nix Church of Christ ad
Wed Dec 1, 3:14 PM ET
Michael Learmonth, STAFF
(Variety) — NBC, CBS and UPN have rejected as too controversial a 30-second spot from the United Church of Christ emphasizing that it accepts gays and minorities but suggesting that other churches do not.
Ad is part of a broad identity campaign launched Wednesday to brand the denomination as accepting of people of different sexual orientation, race, age and economic circumstance.
But CBS said the network has a broad policy against accepting any advocacy advertising, and since the ad endorses gay marriage, the network turned it down, just as it would ads from political groups like the Swift Boat Veterans or
“Because this commercial touches on the exclusion of gay couples and other minority groups by other individuals and organizations, and the fact the executive branch has recently proposed a constitutional amendment to define marriage as a union between a man and a woman, this spot is unacceptable,” the church quoted CBS’ rejection letter as saying.
NBC said it accepted one of the church’s two ads and offered suggestions on how the other could be tailored to fit the net’s standards, but the church declined.
“It deals with an issue of public controversy and therefore it is not acceptable,” said Alan Wurtzel, president for broadcast standards at NBC.
The ad features two bouncers standing outside a symbolic church selecting people to be permitted to pass the velvet rope to attend Sunday services. The bouncers reject two men and an African-American boy and girl, while letting a white heterosexual couple through.
Written text interrupts the scene: “Jesus didn’t turn people away. Neither do we.”
NBC’s problem with the ad is not that it condones inclusiveness but that it suggests that other churches reject people based on race or sexual orientation.
Ads were accepted and began running Wednesday on ABC Family, AMC, BET, Discovery, Fox, Hallmark, History, Nick at Nite, TBS and TNT.
“We find it disturbing that the networks in question seem to have no problem exploiting gay persons through mindless comedies or titillating dramas, but when it comes to a church’s loving welcome of committed gay couples, that’s where they draw the line,” said Rev. Robert Chase of UCC. (end of story)
Jesus ate and stayed with ‘sinners and tax collectors’, and that would suggest acceptance, however, if you want to accept others in ‘a church’ for numbers sake, then the implications are not just.
Presenting the Truth, as the Catholic Church does, is not easily accepted, (as Christ said it would be), but following the crowd by preaching what ‘they’ want to hear is not Truth.
Go with God!