But I don’t see the point about Einstein not helping, since we don’t know what physical laws will apply to the post-judgment universe.Just following suit with you since you brought up Einstein
But I don’t see the point about Einstein not helping, since we don’t know what physical laws will apply to the post-judgment universe.Just following suit with you since you brought up Einstein
Because heaven is the everlasting “now”. I imagine that hell is the same. There is no time, therefore no change, in the after life.This is the only post so far that attempts to say “why”, the video posted also ignores the basic question if the caller. But I am not quite sure about this answer. There is no change at all in heaven ? I thought the speculation about aeviternity suggests there is some degree of change and action in heaven. There is some ordering of events beyond time. If so, then the “why no repentence in hell” is still an open question. Why do our wills become fixed after death? On one hand, if we have chosen God, it makes sense, we would be in his presence and never desire in the least bit to sin. On the other hand, of we reject God, why would we never desire to change our mind?
They’re actually states of existence, not just constructs. Some of the Biblical language (especially as concerns hell) are in fact constructs that only approximate reality, for example, God hurling people into eternal fire—we are the ones who do that to ourselves and He just, with a broken heart, executes our decision. But what you’re getting at is that the love of God is Heaven to those who love Him and the absence of God is hell to those who don’t. That’s accurate. I think the Catechism says the absence of God is the greatest suffering in hell.Remember that heaven and hell are simply constructs to help us understand the consequences of our actions.
Remember that heaven and hell are simply constructs to help us understand the consequences of our actions.They are both. There is no place in the after life. Heaven is a state of being. A condition of existence. And there is only one existence. God.They’re actually states of existence, not just constructs. …
Hell is the same. There is no such place. It is a state of being. Let me see if this quote from Dr. Scott Hahn will help.
Now the saints in heaven would freeze in purgatory, and hell fire for the saints in heaven would be like ice, dry ice. Our God is a consuming fire. The periphery of the universe is hell fire. That isn’t the hottest. The hottest is what you find when you get closest to God. Out of the nine choirs of angels, the highest are the Seraphim. In Hebrew it means the burning ones. They glow bright because they are consumed with this passionate, fiery love that God has for all eternity for us as His children.
What I’m trying to say is that God is the fire that loves us in heaven but punishes those in hell.
Deuteronomy 4:24 For the Lord, your God, is a consuming fire, a jealous God.
What De_Maria said.How can they also not be places?
Each person is created journeying and that ends with death in the particular judgement. At death the soul and body are parted, until the resurrection, but the particular judgement is before the resurrection.I understand that there is no repentance after death (or in hell) what about will. Someone can explain ? Or i think Aquinas develops this problems
Hebrews 9:311 Angels and men, as intelligent and free creatures, have to journey toward their ultimate destinies by their free choice and preferential love. They can therefore go astray. Indeed, they have sinned. …
1 Cor 327 It is appointed to men to die once, and after that comes the judgment.
8 Each one will receive his pay, according to his works
Although non-dimensional conditions is a rather vague term, I agree and it would likely include all of us being unable to conceive the situation. Its likely why people fall back to the pure spirit idea. Having seen dead bodies all there is to think is that the soul has left and is now like an angel. We become spirits. That is the easiest to understand. At the time of Christ, many Jews who denied the resurrection still believed in an afterlife, a place of the spirits to dwell. The resurrection of the body and all that it implies is the difficult concept to conceive. Heaven/hell being simply a “state” outside of the universe that our souls occupy is simpler. But that is not how man was created. We were created body and soul, the soul being much different than an angel. Why would our salvation entail us to be of a different nature?But I can also see where those are just used because our three dimensional minds can’t conceive of non-dimensional conditions.