Hello TNT:
Whew, you have certainly said some things that I must ponder. I do not intend to oppose St. Thomas.
Note, however, that I said that these are essentially states rather than places: I did not maintain that they are not places. This makes me think of whether created sopirits exist in time: we say they are essentially timeless, even though, having the possibility of change they live in aeviternity, something like time, in that it is for them, as time is for us, a measure of change.
I did note that heaven and hell differ from purgatory in that at some time they will contain bodies, and heaven already does contain at least 2 bodies, albeit glorified ones.
I also think that a soul’s being “in” a body is not an argument that that a soul needs to be “in” a place, since spirits are said to be “in” whatever place their operation is manifest. On the other hand the soul, though spiritual, is not precisely a spirit, since it is the “form” of a particular body and is not complete without that body.
On the other hand spirits are indeed often tied to places. Let me think on this further while I watch this discussion.
P.S. Perhaps you can explain to me why the East keeps railing that purgatory is not a place? Why do they care so much whether it is a place or a state?
Whew, you have certainly said some things that I must ponder. I do not intend to oppose St. Thomas.
Note, however, that I said that these are essentially states rather than places: I did not maintain that they are not places. This makes me think of whether created sopirits exist in time: we say they are essentially timeless, even though, having the possibility of change they live in aeviternity, something like time, in that it is for them, as time is for us, a measure of change.
I did note that heaven and hell differ from purgatory in that at some time they will contain bodies, and heaven already does contain at least 2 bodies, albeit glorified ones.
I also think that a soul’s being “in” a body is not an argument that that a soul needs to be “in” a place, since spirits are said to be “in” whatever place their operation is manifest. On the other hand the soul, though spiritual, is not precisely a spirit, since it is the “form” of a particular body and is not complete without that body.
On the other hand spirits are indeed often tied to places. Let me think on this further while I watch this discussion.
P.S. Perhaps you can explain to me why the East keeps railing that purgatory is not a place? Why do they care so much whether it is a place or a state?