Why oh Why?! :-((

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I have heard it on the news so many times, but nothing has the impact as when it happens to someone you thought you knew.


My wife and I were parishioners in one of his parishes and neighbors in what was his current parish. When I heard this news on the radio, I couldn’t believe I heard his name. I was crushed, in disbelief, and saddened. Such a nice guy now a criminal. 😦

This fellow’s testimony spoke to the kind of impact he had on the community. I pray his hopes aren’t dash.

Can we please see an end to these stories?! PLEASE. If you are priest and evil has taken your soul, STOP AND GET HELP NOW!!! YOU ARE NOT GOD!!!
Very sad. You are in my prayers.

It is a fascinating subject, why the Church has suffered so much from this. Any ideas? Does it make a case for married priests?
I would say a big NO to married priests being a cure all for pedophilia. More and more children are molested by their own parents who obviously are married. So this is not an answer to prevent future incidences.
Don’t here about it in the Anglican community though do you?
Don’t here about it in the Anglican community though do you?
Well, first off, the Anglican community is much smaller than the Catholic community. Also, just because we aren’t hearing about it doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen. It is huge news right now because of the events of the last couple of years.


I am so angered by this kind of thing. It affects the whole Catholic Religion. I am tired of hearing the jokes about the faith that I love so much. I do not even know what the answer is. I just wish that the priests would think about what kind of affect this will have on the WHOLE Catholic religion.

It is so fustrating
Don’t here about it in the Anglican community though do you?
Actually? remember the Queens Choir Master, from Winchester if my memory serves.
FightingFat said:
This bloke Norwich?

He’s single though isn’t he?

Thats him, knew it started with a W. and yes, I think he was.

Thats an interesting thought, as most Anglicans are married (not all I accept) could it be that any abuse tends (as is often the case within families) to be “In-House” and therefore if it comes to the fore it is more likely to be kept in the family so to speak. The converse of course is that as Catholic Priests are celebat the if they are prone to this type of behaviour they can only exercise it outside and its likelyhood of discovery is consequentally greater.

I have a feeling this sort of thinking may get me hung by the Anglicans.
Don’t here about it in the Anglican community though do you?
yes you do, in every religious denomination, they don’t get the big publicity because the media is not bent on bashing anybody but Catholics and fundamentalists, media also goes after a Jimmy Bakker when they sin in a big way, but Michael Jacksons publicity is mainly supportive of him and disparaging of his accusers. the facts show that it is a huge problem in our society, fueled by internet porn, the huge majority of hits each day on websites are porn sites, virtually all of which host or link to child porn, killer porn, violent porn. The protestant preachers on the radio have addressed this problem in the congregation and in their clergy in recent weeks.

marriage (as well as joining clergy or social service careers) is one of the main tactics used by pedophiles to mask their activities, married priests is not solution at all.
You’d think that someone would suss it out in training though wouldn’t you?

I worked at a Youth Mission Centre round here with two other guys, both of them have become Priests since and I know one of them is gay. The other one said that at seminary, the majority were gay, you find out living together for that long, so if there were other questions…Or dodgy character traits…Wouldn’t they show too?
Very sad. You are in my prayers.

It is a fascinating subject, why the Church has suffered so much from this. Any ideas? Does it make a case for married priests?
The miniscule number of priests doing this have no desire to be married (to women, at least). The case for married priests in further weakened by the dearth of permanent deacons. The problem we are facing is largely due to not properly screening for and barring those who are homosexual from the priesthood. We must face this fact and cut out the cancer before it kills us.
I’d like to second the “they’re human” answer. It seems more and more obvious to me the role the devil plays in peoples lives. He hits you at your weak points, and he’s a very good aim I might add.

I think the only answer to this problem is to pray, pray, pray. Pray for these priests that they will be given the wisdom and discernment to see through what is taking place in their mind. The devil hits the people the hardest that have the most important roles in making God’s word known. He knows if he can get us to not trust our priests, he’s one step closer to winning.

I think it is our duty to not condemn these people, but pray for them- HARD.
Very sad. You are in my prayers.

It is a fascinating subject, why the Church has suffered so much from this. Any ideas? Does it make a case for married priests?
YES, I definitely think that preists should be allowed to marry. What reason is there why they shouldn’t…wouldn’t be devoted to God enough?..not enough time for their duties?..sex blurs the mind? what?. I am not being sarcastic…do some think that?

Marriage is a sacrement just like Holy Orders and both are a vital part of our religion, so why can’t they both be taken?. Why should Holy Orders be set apart?.

Just a thought and I know I am not alone in it.
Thanks for posting this sad news, kamiller42, it’s good to get a discussion going. I feel very sorry for the seminarian who refers to this guy as a “good friend.” I have to add that what shocks and sickens me when priests do this kind of thing is that within a very short time of leaving the priesthood (whether voluntarily or not) they often seem to GET MARRIED! The latest one I knew, who was apparently a molester before, during, and after the time I knew him, got married the moment he was laicized. I think this fact needs to come up when people are debating the celibacy issue, the gay concern, the married clergy concept, etc, etc. These molesters can and do get married, sometimes even as they are facing legal charges for the molestation, so I think it’s a lot harder to say that celibacy for priests is a mistake or “doesn’t work.” Each and every priest has to feel and witness to that personal call to the gift and grace of celibacy, and that is what the screening and formation needs to focus on. I know lots of priests who can talk for hours about why they are celibate–the good priests are out there!
The latest one I knew, who was apparently a molester before, during, and after the time I knew him, got married the moment he was laicized. I think this fact needs to come up when people are debating the celibacy issue, the gay concern, the married clergy concept, etc, etc.
For the life of me, I cannot imagine the mental state of someone who marries a known child molester. Obviously, she was into molestation as well so saw no problem with it. This also suggests a thought process that says the desire for children is just as normal as the desire for someone of the opposite sex.

A nauseating suggestion and as sick as it gets.
Very sad. You are in my prayers.

It is a fascinating subject, why the Church has suffered so much from this. Any ideas? Does it make a case for married priests?
Being married wouldn’t matter, as married men abuse children !

How did being married help them ?

Those calling for married priests are going against the Pope, and only the Pope can change that rule, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
Don’t here about it in the Anglican community though do you?
No. You also don’t hear that there’s the same scandel going on in the public school system. Yet the incidence of these crimes in schools is higher than it is in the Catholic Church.

Bad news for the Church is big news everywhere. A scandel happens in Maine, and it’ll be on the front page in Montana.


I can’t figure out how marriage can be the answer to someone who molested a child? Marriage is the cure? What on earth is everyone talking about? It takes a very sick person to molest an innocent child. How could marriage prevent or cure that?
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