Why Pope Francis Makes Me Uncomfortable by Gary Zimak

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Don’t get me wrong, I love Pope Francis but to my shame the article expresses some of the feelings that crop up now and then. On the plus side, now that Gary Zimal has put these thoughts in print and exposed them to the light, I feel much better, especially as he has taken each one through to the bitter end. I think I have been put in my pkace (whatever and wherever that is)
What do you think about it?
I love Pope Francis-thank you for sharing! I agree with the writer and find myself uncomfortable at times too.😊
I have not clicked on the link you have provided as I have had huge problems with my computer so I avoid links that may cause harm.

Pope Francis has not made me feel uncomfortable in the least, in fact the exact opposite.He is guiding us and leading us back to love for one another just as we always should have.

We as a church have drifted far from love in so many areas particularly for loving and helping our neighbours in need,the poor,homeless, etc.

I hope and pray that Pope Francis can continue to be guided by the Holy Spirit to lead His flock back to the right road.

God bless
I have not clicked on the link you have provided as I have had huge problems with my computer so I avoid links that may cause harm.

Pope Francis has not made me feel uncomfortable in the least, in fact the exact opposite.He is guiding us and leading us back to love for one another just as we always should have.

God bless
Well…I clicked the link. And I’m glad I did.
Pope Francis makes me uncomfortable, too. 😉
Don’t get me wrong, I love Pope Francis but to my shame the article expresses some of the feelings that crop up now and then. On the plus side, now that Gary Zimal has put these thoughts in print and exposed them to the light, I feel much better, especially as he has taken each one through to the bitter end. I think I have been put in my pkace (whatever and wherever that is)

What do you think about it?
It’s a beautiful article. Thanks so much for sharing it.

On a similar note. I was recently telling a friend how awed I was with our new pastor. His humility is great and the passion in which he lives the faith is inspiring. I told my friend that Fr. Neil drags me to the foot of the cross each and every time I hear him speak. We are so fortunate in our parish to have such a holy man of god leading us. We are so fortunate in our Catholic Church to have such a holy man of god leading us.
We as a church have drifted far from love in so many areas particularly for loving and helping our neighbours in need,the poor,homeless, etc.
I’m always surprised to see such comments. I’ve been Catholic 20 years now and there have always been groups in my parishes who helped people in different ways. I suspect that is the case all over the world: Catholics doing good and helping people. And it has been like that from the very beginning 🤷

I’m not sure what exactly has changed in that respect, except that the secular media happens to like this pope and suddenly Catholics are convinced that his message is something new. But it is not: it is the same old Gospel message, preached century after century after century.
I’m always surprised to see such comments. I’ve been Catholic 20 years now and there have always been groups in my parishes who helped people in different ways. I suspect that is the case all over the world: Catholics doing good and helping people. And it has been like that from the very beginning 🤷

I’m not sure what exactly has changed in that respect, except that the secular media happens to like this pope and suddenly Catholics are convinced that his message is something new. But it is not: it is the same old Gospel message, preached century after century after century.
True, the message hasn’t changed, but I think it might be down to the way it is presented and the timing. For me it is a bit like renewing the message, for example , when reading the same words in the Bible for the 100th time, suddenly it sparks in a way that seems new and different (even though the words and meaning are unchanged). And then a year later, the same thing happens with the same words.

Maybe, God is using Pope Francis to get us to reignite some sparks and get us to be more active on the inside and outside.
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