This is admittedly one area where my faith wavers terribly. Part of it might be due to not fully getting rid of the influences of being raised on the Prosperity Gospel. However, if there is one thing I regrettably liked about Presbyterianism over Pentecostalism and Catholicism is that we weren’t as focused on testimonies of answered prayer. It isn’t that I’m not happy for those God is helping, but at times it leads me to despair since I honestly have no moment in my life that I can point to and say, “Oh, hey, prayer helped me deal with this situation!” At least, none of the ways prayer has helped reflect the usual testimonials of, “God helped me through this horrible situation by [insert miracle here].” If anything, I sometimes don’t want to ask God for anything, since it feels like I’m inviting Him to make sure I can’t have it. I know that isn’t the right attitude to have, but it is one that I have to overcome to maintain a proper prayer life.
As for overcoming that feeling, a few things that do help are:
As for overcoming that feeling, a few things that do help are:
- Understanding that God wants us to pray. Jesus taught us to pray with the Our Father, and He consistently set an example for us in prayer. He also commanded us to be persistent (Lk. 18:1-8), and Paul commanded us to pray without ceasing (1 Thess. 5:17). If nothing else, we should do it because it pleases God that we do.
- Even Jesus had desires that He prayed for but wasn’t granted. Yes, His greater desire was to fulfill the will of the Father, but He made it clear in His prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane that He had a desire for things to happen differently. This also highlights that, while we may pray for things, we should always ultimately be willing to submit to what the Father wants.
- Despite a near total lack of any “yes” to something physical I prayed for, God has used prayer to help me spiritually. I would probably still be struggling with some pretty grave sins if not for prayer, and prayer has offered a lot of comfort in times of anxiety even as I’m keeping the thing that makes me anxious in mind. These are just a couple examples of how prayer has helped spiritually.
- While I may not have asked for anything specific, there have been times where after spending time praying to God expressing sorrow over something in my life things have improved, either literally or in my attitude. Yeah, it might just be a coincidence, but it’s possible God took pity on me, even if I didn’t offer an exact way I wanted things fixed.