I think that’s kind of a cynical attitude to have, personally. We’re taught to expect the best of people, and not to assume that everyone’s intentions are wholly bad all of the time. Trust is a good thing, and certainly one of the most important things. The issue and fault is with the abusers, not with the abused. We can’t go down that road-- I’m sorry. I know you want to defend priests, even if they have a sickness, but you can’t defend their actions as not 100% their fault.Regarding the scandals, how is it that the PARENTS of these children are never put to any blame? They leave their young children behind closed doors with adults they don’t really know for hours, days, sometimes over night. Let’s have a little parental responsibility here.
If you allow your 13 yr old boy to go camping alone with a 40 yr old man… um, asking for trouble, priest, minister, scout master, school teacher, coach, neighbor, friend…
When we succumb to, say, the desire to over-consume alcohol, do we place blame on the alcohol manufacturers? Do we place blame on the grocery store? No. We first and foremost place blame on ourselves for having given into temptation, not trusting in the Lord, and betraying what we know is right. Did the parent betray what they know is right by letting their children have closed-door interactions with their parish leader? Certainly not. So don’t blame them.
The parents had no way of knowing, and if everyone assumed everyone else was a criminal of some type, our society would be in even worse shape than it is. We already see symptoms of this. When an adult man enjoys being around kids for entirely wholesome reasons, he is automatically regarded with distrust and skepticism because of attitudes like this. Children are a blessing. We need to protect them from harm, not protect them from coming into contact with everyone.