This is not the answer I was hoping for. My question is, how do you differentiate the Christian God from the Buddhist gods, who can be safely you have said in other threads?
I have posted this before, but the powerful creator-God gets a mention in Buddhist scripture:
“I am the Brahma, the great Brahma, the conqueror, the unconquered, the all-seeing, the subjector of all to his wishes, the omnipotent, the maker, the creator, the supreme, the controller, the one confirmed in the practice of jhana, and father to all that have been and shall be. I have created these other beings.”
– Brahmajala sutta, Digha Nikaya 1
That Buddhist god shares a number of characteristics of the Abrahamic God: omnipotent, creator, supreme, father to all. He is treated like all the other Buddhist gods.
What is the essence of a god in Buddhism?
Nothing has an ‘essence’. Not men, not gods.
What powers does a Buddhist god have?
That depends on the god. Just like humans, gods have different powers.
Are Buddhist gods eternal?
No. All living beings have finite lifetimes. Gods’ lifetimes are longer than humans, but they are still finite.
Do Buddhist gods come into existence? How or why do they come into existence?
They come into existence because they failed to attain nirvana in their previous life, and so are reincarnated. They had accumulated a great deal of good karma to be born into one of the lower heavens. For one of the higher heavens, they had good karma and significant meditational attainment. The eight highest heavens correspond to the eight highest levels of meditation.
What relations do they have with humans?
Some ignore humans. Some talk to humans. Some want worship. Some aren’t bothered. Gods are extremely varied, just like people. Every god has spent lifetimes as a human.
Can they help humans fulfill their destiny.
Yes. Some of the higher gods can help with meditation training, though it is usually easier to go to a human teacher. Most gods can give advice on moral behaviour, though taking Zeus’ advice on adultery is probably not a good idea.
Do they create the universe and everything in it?
No. Each of us creates ourself by our previous actions. That goes for both humans and gods.
Are they omniscient? Are they omnipotent? Are they infinite.
No, no and no. Though at least one of them claims (mistakenly) to have these properties. They may well be very knowledgeable, very powerful and (for the higher gods) immaterial.
All these questions are answered in Christian theology.
As they are in Buddhism. However, Buddhism also answers the question, “How do I attain nirvana?” which Christianity does not.
Are they also answered in Buddhist theology?
Yes. See above.
Why do we hear so much about Buddhist atheism?
Gods are an optional extra in Buddhism. It is possible to follow the Buddhist path while ignoring the gods entirely. That may be easier for some Buddhists. The Gods are there, if you wish them; if you don’t wish them, then you can ignore them.
Christian atheism is, of course, a tautology.
Christians disbelieve in a great many gods: Zeus, Athena, Allah, Durga, Loki/Trickster, Amaterasu and many many others.