In my heart of hearts I cannot be supportive of this as it is going against my beliefs. The Holy family is our role model and who we are meant to try and Base our families on. Same sex marriage is changing the whole structure of marriage which God had intended to be between one man and one woman, I have done some reading this last few months this looks like the final attack from satan! an attack on the family. He wants to destroy the family in any way he can. Where will it end!? Then adopting children, transsexuals marrying and adopting the list is endless. The evil one is trying to change what God intended to something that is against God in every way.I have found myself questioning why exactly same-sex marriage should be completely illegalized. I mean common sense is telling me that it’s always been one man/one woman, and redefining marriage doesn’t change that… but still. We don’t advocate illegalizing not going to church on Sunday, using the Lord’s name in vain, pre-marital sex, and even things such as pornography and adultery. So, why is the same-sex marriage issue stressed so much? Maybe I just need to get my position secured on this one.
Don’t misinterpret this question. I don’t like the idea of same-sex marriage, and I’m not asking why it’s wrong according to Catholicism, I’m asking why exactly it should be illegal.