I suppose that if one is lacking certain truths, then one is left to come up with a perception of morality grounded in nothing but the whims of society or errant philosophies. But, such secular meanderings are far from the view of the Catholic Moral Theologian. For us, God is the source of all Goodness. All God creates is good. The gifts or goods of creation are designed with purpose in mind. Human beings are created in the image and likeness of God. Human beings were created for the purpose of harmonious and loving relationships. A central part of being created in the image of God are the gifts of free will and the capacity to love human beings have been given. For the very nature of God is love. Human freedom is necessary if we are to have the capacity to love God, self and one another.
Because we are created in the image of God, human beings are endowed with intrinsic dignity. By our very nature, we are worthy of esteem and respect. With free will comes the capacity to misuse or misdirect our freedom. This always impacts our relationships with self, others, God and creation. God has given us the gift of a conscience to guide us towards good and away from evil. The misuse of freedom breaks down relationships. In the creation stories of scripture, sin leads to division between: God and humanity; Adam and Eve; humanity and creation. Jesus Christ, the fullest manifestation of Imago Dei, came to redeem us and to restore us to the Imago Dei we are intended to be and to bring us back into the relational order God intends. Jesus calls us to live according to the “Law of Love.” Living according to the “Law of Love” directs us towards our purpose- to love God, neighbor and self. The formation of our conscience and the direction of our freedom flow from our identity as followers of Christ.
Yet, for one who does not have faith, such a perspective must be outright rejected. Instead, a godless form of morality must be adopted. Their “church” becomes the secular institutions which feed them their godless doctrines and they have as their patron saints those who have rejected religion down through the centuries. They look to men the likes of Voltaire, Hume, Nietzsche, Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini for guidance. These are their dark and tragic patron saints. Yet, the works of such men reveal the true nature of such empty moral systems.
Indeed, as you already profess, the individual becomes worthless and individual conscience is irrelevant in the schemes of godless morality. Only the state or the party or the teaching institutions matter when God is presumed absent or dead. For there is no higher authority. Only these authorities decides what is right or wrong. But what of human dignity? Where is human dignity to be found within such perspectives? Or, like God, has it been also deemed a myth?
Now, of course, I expect you will follow your usual pattern and deconstruct my post via quotes and refute them, piecemeal. However, you might consider, instead, merely explaining your own moral perspective and its basis if, in fact, you actually have one.