Why the Catholic Church Is Wise to Ban Condoms
If you’ve watched any of the mainstream news coverage of the Catholic Church in the past months, you’ve heard the charge repeated over and over: By maintaining its ban on condom use, the Catholic Church is contributing to the AIDS epidemic in sub-Saharan Africa. Condoms have been demonstrated to prevent HIV infection 90 percent of the time. The argument is that if the Vatican cared more about people’s lives than a rigid doctrine that most Catholics reject, it would make an exception to allow condom use to prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS. Such a move would do more for “life” than would maintaining a position that allows millions to die as a result of unprotected sex.
If you’ve watched any of the mainstream news coverage of the Catholic Church in the past months, you’ve heard the charge repeated over and over: By maintaining its ban on condom use, the Catholic Church is contributing to the AIDS epidemic in sub-Saharan Africa. Condoms have been demonstrated to prevent HIV infection 90 percent of the time. The argument is that if the Vatican cared more about people’s lives than a rigid doctrine that most Catholics reject, it would make an exception to allow condom use to prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS. Such a move would do more for “life” than would maintaining a position that allows millions to die as a result of unprotected sex.