Thank you again dizzy_dave for your post. I am only signed up and starting RCIA soon.
I was wondering how I could learn to love Jesus more than my sin. And I was not as willing as now to leave a certain sin behind. Even now I am really struggling.
August 2, 2004 at about 11 PM. Just before going to sleep, I prayed some “Our Fathers” and “Hail Marys”. I couldn’t remember St. Augustine’s name (he had prayed “Give me chastity and continence, but not yet.”) So instead I prayed and reminded Archbishop Sheen that he said “and who in the name of God has not [sin]?” – his “Suffering” telecast. And I asked Archbishop Sheen how he was able to get over sin in his life. With my eyes still closed, a very quick instant reply to my prayer was a very dim and very brief red flash of light (which looked like the red light near the tabernacle of my parish church). My mind knew the answer right away. Archbishop Sheen made a Holy Hour before Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament each day (Eucharistic Adoration). I didn’t even know as much about Archbishop Sheen as I do now.
Since then, I finished reading Fulton Sheen’s “Life is Worth Living” and I am now 2/3 the way through “Treasure in Clay”. In his autobiography, Fulton Sheen devotes a whole chapter to Eucharistic Adoration – Chapter 12 “The Hour that Makes My Day”. It isn’t too feasible for me to do it. I did a Holy Hour last Thursday, but it probably is not feasible for me to do it daily – not really because of time, but because a tabernacle may not be available nearby for me to semi-privately do a Holy Hour. On page 196 Sheen writes “…another presence…is the Scripture. … You could make the Hour before the Scriptures.” I just did a Google search and that whole chapter is at this web site:
I am still struggling. But I haven’t started the “ONE HOUR WATCHERS” plan that Archbishop Sheen and Jack McAllister (a Protestant) developed together.
Part of why I’m replying to this thread is to make sure I will be able to find it again. Because so many of the ideas in this thread seem so very good to me.
Maybe this helps somebody. If you are not willing to let go, are you at least willing to be made willing? Pray and ask God that you become willing to let go and to want Him first. I still need help to be more willing. But I am willing to be made more willing.
Another idea. Make detailed notes of what is happening. When God does something special in your life – even if it is the smallest miracle – write it down and document it. Then later you know the details. You won’t forget. And as time goes on, you can see how you have grown and see how God has worked.
And if it is the force of habit that causes you to sin over and over, then it might not be a mortal sin. Because you may not have the full capability of your will in the matter. So ask your Priest about it in confession next time you go. You are fortunate to be able to go. I cannot go yet.
I guess the red light is called a sanctuary lamp. I didn’t realize the red light near my Church’s tabernacle was a candle in a red glass until about three weeks ago. I guess they are all that way. Where I spent last Thursday’s Holy Hour I got a good look at the candle and I think it looked the same as at my parish Church.