He seems to have been important in the Early Church, and yet he was never canonized–i hope someone knows why not!
Thanks so much!
Thanks so much!
Good question. His writings are quoted in the daily Office of Readings but like you I wonder why he was never canonized.He seems to have been important in the Early Church, and yet he was never canonized–i hope someone knows why not!
Thanks so much!
“Cleared up” is an interesting word for what happened there. Some of his heresies were condemned and anathamatized at the fifth ecumenical Council. I wouldn’t call that “cleared up,” but I guess it is in a sense: an anathema can clarify a lot of things.A priest told me Origen had a sexual arrousal issue and felt so guilty about it, he castrated himself. Since many Saints had strange behaviors I’m not sure why this would be a disqualifier. Also, heard there was a heresy issue, but that was cleared up.
He probably was never canonized because of the condemned teaching of his (condemned by the Church) – the condemned teaching that hell fire is not eternal (it is eternal) and that all condemned creatures eventually get reconciled to God (which they can’t). God bless you.He seems to have been important in the Early Church, and yet he was never canonized–i hope someone knows why not!
Thanks so much!