Why We Need to See It Through

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From the pen of columnist Cal Thomas:

Extreme makeover of Iraq could lead to the reshaping of many other dictatorial nations in the region

"…There was a time not long ago in the United States when Republicans and Democrats shared a common hope: the liberation of oppressed people. They mostly subordinated partisan politics when it came to that goal. Those days ended about the time Republicans began to emerge as the majority party.

The collapse of the Soviet Union would not have been possible without the Truman Doctrine or the likes of the late Democratic Sen. Henry “Scoop” Jackson or President John F. Kennedy, along with Republicans such as Dwight Eisenhower, Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan. Today, the objective of some politicians is not victory over oppression. Rather, it is holding on to what passes for power in Washington, when true power is the ability to set people free. How sick is that?

The extreme makeover of Iraq could lead to the reshaping of many other dictatorial nations in the region. It might also affect the careers of politicians who have been on the wrong side of freedom.

**Some Democrats have likened Iraq to the Vietnam War. There is one valid similarity. North Vietnamese Gen. Bui Tin told The Wall Street Journal after his retirement that the U.S. anti-war movement was “essential to our strategy.”

Surely those “brutal intimidators” are taking note of calls by some for the withdrawal of all American troops before the job is finished.** To withdraw now (and Iraqi leaders want Americans to stay for now) would sentence the entire country to a civil war and a brutal bloodbath. How could any responsible leader favor such an outcome, unless that leader cared more about politics than people? "

Thanks HS,

When I was young I read that Benjiman Franklin wrote, “The Pen Is Mightier Than The Sword”.

Now that I am much older, I agree with Benjiman Franklin. As Cal Thomas was saying, ideas can move mountains, well no not mountains , but can ideas move a population?
Good Post.
Very interesting…
I like Cal Thomas…read him in Townhall.com.
He’s one of the few talking heads I enjoy hearing on tv and most of his writing always has a “moral” somewhere in it. He also keeps it short and pithy.
Thanks HS,

When I was young I read that Benjiman Franklin wrote, “The Pen Is Mightier Than The Sword”.

Now that I am much older, I agree with Benjiman Franklin. As Cal Thomas was saying, ideas can move mountains, well no not mountains , but can ideas move a population?
Oh I think they can - books have been written on the subject of “Ideas That Changed the World”. l I don’t know if you read Dennis Prager, but he is another columnist who always has a point and says it clearly - even when you don’t agree with him, you get the premise straight. I particularly liked this one:


Perhaps its just my own observation as I grow older, but moral clarity does seem to be very confusing to many today - it is as if some kind of “ethic” or “integrity” basis has been taken out of our education system and many simply don’t know what to believe. They are caught up in this “every idea is equal” - all things are equal - and call it fairness.
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