Why would a Pagan be Pro-Life?

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First, Both your metaphors are flawed, they harm a pre existing person, not a person who is going to exist.
First of all, that was not the point of the metaphor - it was not about harming people, but about terminology. Say I favor allowing people to turn cartwheels in the street. I don’t do it myself - I can’t even if I wanted to - but I believe people should have that choice. Am I pro-choice, or pro-cartwheel? Or in other words, if you are pro-choice, does that mean you believe people should be allowed to make any choice at all - drive through red lights, smoke crack, rob banks and so on? If you don’t believe that, you’re not really pro-choice. It is specifically the choice of abortion you are defending - therefore, you are pro-abortion, whether you like the title or not.
Furthermore, abortion harms a pre existing person. Your denial of this shows that you are one of those people who defines “personhood” as something belonging to only some, not all, living human beings. You believe that there are human beings who do not have a right not to be killed, because they do not fit your definition of people. And what is that definition? I’ve heard them all - breathing, born, sentient, rational, independant, able to digest and excrete food? All tailor made to draw the line between those whose murder you want to excuse and those whose murder you consider wrong. All flawed in one way or another, as they excuse the murder, not only of a 0-12 week old embryo or fetus, but of the disabled, newborn babies, older feti, or others you surely would not advocate killing. You can surely come up with example after example, different wordings and red herrings without end, simply to cover up the fact that there are living human beings who you believe are disposable. That is the central issue,* that* is what you need to examine in your heart.
SEcondly, that still doesnt matter, whatever paganism i was reffering to, still, one wouldnt title it “pagan pro choice”
You mean prolife. Yes, they would. I should know, I used to be a pagan (a wiccan, to be specific), and they do refer to themselves as such.
Being prolife can leave us politically homeless, rejected and ridiculed.
I am a former atheist, but I’ve always been pro-life and this is exaclty how I felt back then. I could never understand how my fellow liberals could claim to care so much about the environment and life on this earth, and not care about the human fetus. Apparently a living organism on the other side of its mother’s belly somehow doesn’t qualify, and people settle for this logic!

Now that I’m a Christian I still oppose abortion for the same fundamental reasons. And as strange as this might sound I think God gave me that time without Him so that I could learn how to see things thru their eyes, so that I would know how to debate effectively on issues like this. I pray that is what God is doing for this Pagan as well.
First, Both your metaphors are flawed, they harm a pre existing person, not a person who is going to exist.
No fair using the word “person”, which carries legal baggage. Obviously a fetus is not a “legal person”. Unfortunately. However, any claim that a fetus is a human being or a human life cannot be disputed.

It’s difficult to pin down what makes someone a “human being” (in the literal sense, not legal) and thus deserving of the fundamental human right to life. That is precisely why it is unethical to kill a human fetus. Because even from a non-religious viewpoint, there exists the possibility that it IS one. And a possibility is all you need for abortion = unethical.
I used to travel the Pagan Path. And I can say it was not to rebel. I actually thought that I had found the one true path so to speak… Of course, I am being baptised this year, so I obviously came around. 🙂 Anyway…

I have always been pro life. As a pagan, I always thought that it made sense with all of the worship of life and mother earth. Then I quickly caught on that I was in the vast minority of the pagan community. Boy, did I get chewed out for my beliefs by fellow pagans! Alas, I finally saw the Truth and the Light.
In Christ,
My coworker is an atheist and is firmly prolife. She becomes a little annoyed when people equate prolife with religion. Her thinking is that being atheist doesn’t make her immoral – she opposes murder, and since, to her, it’s clear that life begins at conception, abortion is murder. Sometimes I pray for her soul and conversion. I don’t tell her because I’m sure she would be very irritated. Still, there’s always hope.
I stopped reading when I read this: “Good luck to you finding a prolifer to elect who considers human sexuality a natural and sacred thing, and supports comprehensive sex ed, while opposing abortion.” Comprehensive sex ed promotes condoms and premarital sex and gay “marriage”. That’s wrong.

my Mother my Confidence,
Because it gives them fresh babies to sacrifice?
This is inflamatory and offensive to the wiccan community. This is exactly the reason why wiccans get so defensive about their religion and why they believe they are being misrepresented and accused of falshoods.
You (collectively, not you in particular) discredit your faith and your beliefs with comments like that.
That statement was said with every knowledge that it was inappropriate and inflamatory. It may have been amusing to you, but you failed to see where another persn would be hurt by that statement.
I used to travel the Pagan Path. And I can say it was not to rebel. I actually thought that I had found the one true path so to speak… Of course, I am being baptised this year, so I obviously came around. 🙂 Anyway…

I have always been pro life. As a pagan, I always thought that it made sense with all of the worship of life and mother earth. Then I quickly caught on that I was in the vast minority of the pagan community. Boy, did I get chewed out for my beliefs by fellow pagans! Alas, I finally saw the Truth and the Light.
In Christ,
Definitely. I myself was a Neo-pagan pro-lifer, a Wiccan who was also pro-life. So the possibility of pagans and atheists to be pro-life is indeed possible! 🙂
Recognizing the abortion is evil is not a religious issue. It is a human rights issue.

– Mark L. Chance.
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