See? As a Catholic, or how I was raised, I believe in different ways. The Catholic way was that because my child’s purpose in life was met so early in his life, that God took him home with Him.
The way I was raised, well, or actually how my family would like me to think, which I don’t really, is that maybe there was something not right and God decided to take the baby so that wrong wouldn’t hurt us (his parents).
The explanation that dixieagle gave never crossed my mind. I’m not sure if I had read something you wrote before, or maybe someone else wrote it, but it was the same as you posted above. That our original sin is to blame thus the early development of our baby went wrong, so the miscarriage happened. That’s a very interesting way to put it. But to me that sounds like a punishment.
I know God wouldn’t like to see us suffer, let alone die, but I guess I was conditioned to think that God takes people when their time is up. Is that the wrong way of thinking? My thoughts are similar to SMWH. It’s not that I want to question God, it’s just that I really want to understand why it happens. I don’t want to put the “blame” on God, but maybe, just maybe he had better plans for my little one? The pain and suffering of burying a child had never crossed my mind until I lost mine.
My uncle (who was like a brother to me since we were born just a few yrs apart and basically were raised together) died suddenly and I had never felt such pain in my life, until this. I did ask the question why when my uncle died but when the autospy revealed he had a congenital heart defect (which no one knew about), I thought it was for the best for him, his wife, kids and the rest of the family. He would’ve suffered so much with that disease if it had been discovered before he died. This I could live with. The baby, well, he wasn’t even close to being born yet. What good should I see from that other than he’ll never suffer or cry? <---- I want to believe that, but I can’t understand it.