I wasn’t far into writing my second novel (see my signature below) when I realized the story was going to have to cover the rebellion of the angels. Since we did not witness it, we can only speculate what happened.
Here’s a snippet of the scene in which one of the good angels (Abriel) pleads with a rebellious angel (Hezera) to turn back to God. That is, the demon is being asked to repent of his action, and I show why I believe this would never happen:
*Hezera’s spirit stiffened. Light within him, teeming with love, waned. His appendages crystallized, frozen from lack of power. Hands gnarled into claws, feet shriveled into stumps. A snarl tightened on his face.
His life energy, darker than space devoid of stars, reversed course, turning inward toward himself instead of outward toward others. Free to move, he thrashed about.
“It hurts!” he screamed. “Abriel, your love burns! The Creator’s Love burns! It’s toxic to my energy flow!”
“What have you done?” Abriel cried. “You’re an opposite!”
The Creator’s Voice resonated above the turmoil of screaming angels. “My children, why have you uprooted yourselves from the Source of Light and Love?”
Hezera’s eyes ignited with scarlet hatred. “The Creator knew this would happen to me! He knew, and he created me anyway!”
“But you chose it,” Abriel said. “You did it to yourself.”
“Damn you, Abriel! Make it stop! Stop loving me! If you truly were a friend, you would stop being a friend!”
“How can I stop?” Abriel said, dismayed. “I can’t be what I’m not.”
“I am what I wasn’t!” Hezera roared. “If you were my friend, you would be what you aren’t too!”
“Do you want to be what you aren’t?” Abriel cried. “Do you want the Creator to turn you back?”
“No!” Hezera shrieked. “I hate him! Do you think I want someone I abhor to force me to love him? After he let me become this?”
“But that was your free choice. You yourself chose to become what you are. If he hadn’t allowed you to choose, he would have already forced you to love him.”
As I mentioned, this is only speculation, but it seems to me that those who hate fully and completely have no desire to either give or receive love–except of course self-love (which, in a sense is not love at all). To them, the love of heaven would be an even worse hell than the one they are already in.