I always thought it was strange/ curious that satan rebelled as he did, especially since he had FULL knowledge about God, so he knew how powerful God actually was/is…yet he still tried to overthrow heaven…??? If satan had this full knowledge of God, he would have known he did not stand a chance, only other thing I can think of to explain this, is possibly God is NOT as all powerful as we believe, or its something we cannot comprehend.
Plus, its not just Satan, he convinced 1/3 of ALL Gods angels to side with him…This makes no sense at all, that THAT many angels who also had FULL knowledge of Gods nature and power…yet they still sided with satan?
There has to be something about God or Gods nature that we do not understand in this regard…Angels would be intelligent enough to recognize if they stood ZERO chances of succeeding at such a rebellion, obviously they thought they had some kind of chance…meaning there is ‘something’ they know, that we do not.