Why you should think that the Natural-Evolution of species is true

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No, I understand pretty well.

I think it’s you that may not understand that evolution is continuous. Every living thing is transitional.
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Catholics cannot believe in atheistic evolution.
Yes - this is a good point. Believing in evolution tends to make people head in this direction. One can be a Catholic and believe in evolution, but I tend to have issues with evolution since it is ridiculous.
Cool. What’s the purpose of the human appendix?
Evolutionists would argue that it aided Us in digestion when we were slightly different animals and has since become vestigial and purposeless as we’ve evolved. What say you?

Why did the intelligent designer create us with an organ we’ve supposedly never used?
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No, I understand pretty well.

I think it’s you that may not understand that evolution is continuous. Every living thing is transitional.
Ok my point is that no one has been able to show me a real transitional fossil that they have seen with their own eyes. You have not provided one either because you do not know what a transitional fossil is or you have not seen one or both.
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I don’t know how else to say it. As evolution is continuous every living thing is transitional.
I don’t know how else to say it. As evolution is continuous every living thing is transitional.
There is nothing to say. They believe that Evolution is about forwarding the Atheist Agenda. There is nothing you can say or do that would compel them to accept what they do not want.
Well I certainly hope that the Catholics on this site are wrong about being forbidden from believing in evolution because it seems like they’ve dogmatized themselves into another Galileo affair
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Well I certainly hope that the Catholics on this site are wrong about being forbidden from believing in evolution because it seems like they’ve dogmatized themselves into another Galileo affair
You can believe in evolution and be Catholic. No one is disputing that.
Here you are:

Recall that, without sufficient evidence, non-coding portions of DNA were declared Junk DNA. Now it’s being referred to as one of the biggest blunders in Biology. But what led them to say this? It was apparent that this Junk was left over from our very long evolution. That turned out to be incorrect.
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What do I have?

A bunch of currently extant animals that have no fossil records and a bunch of fossilized animals that aren’t on the earth anymore.

Evolution is just the best explanation for that so far. No poof -ing required.
You forgot living fossils. The scientist can and should say in the absence of convincing data, “My best explanation is that I don’t know how that happened!”
Macro-evolutionists use the same methodology as ancient myth makers to explain phenomena. Rather than use the supernatural, these modern myth makers falsely use the patina of the scientific method.

As historians, the ancients attempted to explain natural phenomena not by analysis but by action which required they use story or myth. Myth was serious business; they did not intend these stories to be merely entertainment. They were recounting events upon which their very existence depended. Through myth, the ancient historians put order into apparent chaos. The myth or interpretation of reality followed the observation of the natural phenomena. In this respect the myths were a posteriori or induced from prior observations.

Ancient historians, like their modern counterparts, used inductive reasoning. They produced their myths after examining the natural phenomena. If the myth stood the test of coherence and gave meaning to the phenomena, it endured passing from generation to generation.
Catholics cannot believe in atheistic evolution.
And if you pay attention, you’ll find that not a single Catholic in this thread has ever advanced the idea of atheistic evolution.
This is at @edwest211, although I’ll bet my pension we won’t get a direct answer:

Do you agree that NO-ONE on this forum (let alone this thread), is pushing atheistic evolution?

And that will include all the non-Christians.
You forgot living fossils. The scientist can and should say in the absence of convincing data, “My best explanation is that I don’t know how that happened!”
A living fossil is a representative of a larger group, previously thought extinct. The error was in thinking that group extinct. For example, Coelacanths are now deep-sea dwellers, which is why they weren’t found for a long time. Fossil Coelacanths lived in shallow water, and were smaller than their modern descendants.

Since evolution does have convincing data, science has moved on from “we don’t know”.

Scientists have demonstrated that changes in an organism is caused by changes in it’s DNA, and those changes are passed on to it’s offspring.
This is not evolution; these fact are used to construct that story of what transpired in time.
different DNA sequences can results in different forms and new functions. Also it has been made evident by scientists that we share DNA sequences with other creatures that are not human, in fact, there is a genetic tree of life connecting all life on this planet. That is what the data is telling us.
That’s what the data is telling you.

While DNA is the information used in the processes of reproduction, development, growth and maintainance of the organism, what does all this is a living being. While we know so much more of the details, there’s nothing new in these discoveries that was not known at our beginnings, when we found animals to have livers, brains, hearts, muscles and bones, just as we do. All life shares some basic characteristics, both physical and psychological, which become more complex as we reach the apex which is mankind. All life is connected, but not through ancestry. The ultimate true reality of anything is in its being what it is; everything of which it is composed is secondary and existentially subsumed into that unity, which in turn is a component in a greater system.
There is no evidence that God did create species by fiat, and it makes no sense that God would put these dynamic principles of change in place unless that is the way God intended to distribute biological forms.
We have scripture.

Those dynamic principles were created as a means by which different kinds of living beings could diversify. Each individual creature is a manifestation of its kind, which had a beginning, brought in to existence in the first manifestation of what it is, the appearance of which may differ greatly from its offspring many generations down the road of time.

Chemical reactions do not spontaneously arrange molecules outside an order that has been imposed on them. It is simplistic and untrue that cumulative changes in the DNA, caused by chemistry itself and not some preprogrammed genetic or epigenetics process results in transformations, that if valid at all, could have led to the presumed emergence of whales, for example.

Natural selection occurs at the level of the living being, that order which defines its soul, which brings together its physical and psychological components into a whole. It is a utilitarian concept that sees the diversity as being the result of mere survival as opposed to expressions of beauty and ultimately love as we progress from the least complex, atoms, to more and more complex forms of being, to we ourselves. Natural Selection is the shadow of the fact that organisms exist as participants in, influenced by and influencing to the point of transforming their environment.

We can’t know whether or not the first placental kind of animal came out of an egg. Does it matter? It was created there and then by God.
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