False premise.
Which church is that? It is not the Catholic Church.We trust consensus literally all the time. The Church trusts consensus.
Why can you not post a straight answer? Your avoidance to do so betrays a lack of faith in your beliefs.Erm… “specie” is money in metallic form, as coins. For biological “species” see Biological species concept
What does this have to do with your rejection of my two examples of speciation? My earlier definition was sufficient since I was talking about metazoa.
Why can you not post a straight answer to my question asking what your problem with my two examples of speciation is? Your avoidance to do so betrays a lack of faith in your beliefs.Why can you not post a straight answer? Your avoidance to do so betrays a lack of faith in your beliefs.
Agreed. The conscience could only come from God. I consider it as the embarkation point of when man was given a human soul.Obviously, “man” did not actively develop a conscience. He would have been a passive recipient of a “conscience”.
I disagree. I believe that animals do have souls & we will them find in heaven. I know that is not the Church’s position even though Scripture does support it (Isiah 11:6-9). I came to believe it when I had an incredible experience that convinced me otherwise. I do not think it is His plan that one soul to become another but rather one type of soul becoming another… animistic to human… anything is possible with God. The physical qualities of the brain have nothing to do with our souls.Let’s assume that animals were given spiritual souls … , where he creates that world giving speech and reason to pairs of animals. This would involve a transformation of a primitive purely material soul into an eternal one. As the core reality of what anything is, I don’t see how it is possible for one soul to become another. It would be like you becoming me.
I believe that it is the conscience which drove man’s larger brain size. I see it as the basis of ALL of man’s achievements. It creates the constant search for something better, whether that be a greater good or a greater evil. It drove man from the trees to caves, to huts, to houses to skyscrapers and from stones to spears to arrows to guns to thermonuclear weapons. It is what creates in us the search for the GREATEST good which is God.the desire of greater intellectual capacity may have driven ape-like creatures to instinctively prefer mates with characteristics that approximated that eventual ideal.
Genesis did speak about it. The so-called “punishments” given to man for his sin were toil, pain and suffering, and death were not punishments at all; they were realizations. It is man realizing that there is something better than those and he no longer has to live by the status quo.The bottom line is that it boils down to a belief, which if true, would have been stated in Genesis.
Once again read Genesis because it IS stated there. Genesis 1 does not say that God zapped plants and animals into existence. Instead it twice said that He charged the EARTH to produce them. Time is meaningless to God so He would not have cared how long it took. And it was the Earth that produced them under the direction of God. If you look at the order of appearance of plants, fish, “great sea monsters”, mammals and man then you will see that it corresponds nicely to an evolutionary development.I don’t understand what exactly the Pope was talking about stating that mankind could have been created using living matter. It sounds like he is trying to reach a compromise, accepting that it is not necessarily idolatry, worshipping the world as creator of mankind, to believe in evolution.
Not precisely. Birds are on day 5 while land animals are on day 6. Taken literally that is contrary to the scientific evidence; birds evolved from earlier land animals.If you look at the order of appearance of plants, fish, “great sea monsters”, mammals and man then you will see that it corresponds nicely to an evolutionary development.
I need clarification there as to what your position on this is. What would you say is the difference between a soul becoming another but a type of soul necoming another? I’m not understanding the difference.I do not think it is His plan that one soul to become another but rather one type of soul becoming another… animistic to human… anything is possible with God.
So, you believe Adam and Eve came from soulless apelike creatures ?It creates the constant search for something better, whether that be a greater good or a greater evil. It drove man from the trees to caves, to huts, to houses to skyscrapers and from stones to spears to arrows to guns to thermonuclear weapons. It is what creates in us the search for the GREATEST good which is God.
I agree , but would go with the clay scenario, because it lines up with the Bible better.Is that any less believable than Adam coming from a soulless lump of clay, and Eve coming from a soulless rib?
Both stories are equally consistent with Catholic teaching. So we are free to use science to decide between them without any problem with contradicting our faith.LeafByNiggle:![]()
I agree , but would go with the clay scenario, because it lines up with the Bible better.Is that any less believable than Adam coming from a soulless lump of clay, and Eve coming from a soulless rib?
Yes and no. What you say is what I believe did happen. But according to my look at the Genesis story (which I know cannot be taken literally) it would have been the animistic soul of the pre-human “Adam” became a human soul of the human Adam when he “ate from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil” or developed a conscience as a result of the new human soul given him by God.So if Martha (random name) was Adam’s pre-true human mother, she’d have had am animal soul and God would’ve given Adam a human soul from his conception. Is that in line with what you’re saying?
Whatever they were I do believe that they were beings who possessed an animistic soul rather than a human one.So, you believe Adam and Eve came from soulless apelike creatures ?
The difference between pre and post Fall Adam wouldn’t have been his soul. He would have needed the rational soul to choose sin in the first place. The diferrence would be the loss of the preturnatural gifts (physical immortality, ect.) and the severing of the pre-Fall direct relationship with God.But according to my look at the Genesis story (which I know cannot be taken literally) it would have been the animistic soul of the pre-human “Adam” became a human soul of the human Adam when he “ate from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil” or developed a conscience as a result of the new human soul given him by God.
That would be wrong. Satan is against God. To name one example, when Peter tries keeping Christ from His Passion,He says “Get behind me Satan.” It’s not a statement of “We’re on the same team, give me some support from behind” but “You’re going against what I need to do and are against me.” (Weak example for the moment, but reading such a statement was like reading someone say the world is flat where you know the person is wrong, but don’t have all the apologetics at hand because it’s so rare.)It could actually be that Satan is not in conflict with God
True, but I believe that birds did evolve before the mammals that are mentioned. Not all species are mentioned in Genesis. I have to wonder if the “great sea monsters” mentioned could be seen as a reference to dinosaurs.Not precisely. Birds are on day 5 while land animals are on day 6. Taken literally that is contrary to the scientific evidence; birds evolved from earlier land animals.
I don’t understand, can you elaborate ?Techno2000:![]()
Whatever they were I do believe that they were beings who possessed an animistic soul rather than a human one.So, you believe Adam and Eve came from soulless apelike creatures ?
But was Adam’s disobedience truly the first sin? I would say no… the first sin came later. Sin must be done with the conscience knowledge that you are doing wrong. According to the story Adam would not have had knowledge until AFTER he at from the “Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil”. According to the story his first sin was when he tried to blame Eve for his own action, but not the action itself.The difference between pre and post Fall Adam wouldn’t have been his soul. He would have needed the rational soul to choose sin in the first place. The diferrence would be the loss of the preturnatural gifts (physical immortality, ect.) and the severing of the pre-Fall direct relationship with God.
True, Satan is against God, but is he OPPOSED to God? God is all good so He could not be the one to offer us the free choice to do evil. Yet in order to be able to do good we had to have the free choice to do evil. I can see where that might be the task assigned to Satan. I don’t accept any sort of conflict in heaven or anything like that. With an all-powerful God how could there be such a thing? I think the relationship between God and Satan is more like that found in Job than elsewhere. In the example you cited about Peter, Peter was in fact acting for Satan in trying to suggest that Christ should not fulfill His destiny.Satan is against God. To name one example, when Peter tries keeping Christ from His Passion,He says “Get behind me Satan.” It’s not a statement of “We’re on the same team, give me some support from behind” but “You’re going against what I need to do and are against me.” (Weak example for the moment, but reading such a statement was like reading someone say the world is flat where you know the person is wrong, but don’t have all the apologetics at hand because it’s so rare.)
The only case I could see is if you take into account God’s permissive will, but that’s not the same as doing God’s will.