Nothing is ever ‘half formed’.
But that is exactly my point, Bradster.
Nothing is ever half-formed. It is all perfectly “finished”, or “fully formed” as you put it. We see no species in transition. In other words, we see no evolution happening anywhere.
Or are you saying that fully-formed new characteristics pop up in a single generation as a result of random mutation? E.g. a fish gives birth to an amphibian? Apart from the absurdity of it, that would make RM&NS hardly random, now would it?
BTW, I’m not necessarily a creationist as you (probably) understand that term. I’m just saying the RM&NS part of evolution theory is grossly at odds with the observation – confirmed by you – that species do not exhbit half-formed characteristics.
Let’s try an example.
Say you are buidling a house. You get 4 walls up, a door and a roof and move in. Is it finished? Well, it serves its purpose. It keeps the rain off. So effectively yes. If that’s all you need (you’re going to move on in a few days) then we are done. It’s not half finished. It’s not the first stage in building a mansion. It’s complete.
But later, when you’ve moved on, you decide to build something more substantial because you want to stay for a while. It has two room and a window and a chimney in addition to what you built earlier.
Sometime down the track you decide to stay where you are and you build a really solid 4 room place with a stable and a garden.
Each building was complete and fully finished in itself. It didn’t need to be any better than it was at each stage because it fitted the requirements. But…and here comes the clincher…we can look at the first two and DESPITE them being fully formed and exactly what was needed at the time we can see the transition from a simple shelter to a substantial home.
But what you coukdn’t do was look at each dwelling when it was being built and say ‘this is a transition to…something else’. We don’t know where evolution is headed. We don’t know if something is finished or will.continue to evolve.
So a mea culpa here. When some of us say that everything is actually a transitional form, what is meant is that everything is a potential transitional form. Archaeopterix is only a transitional form because we can see what preceeded it and see where evolution took it. If it was alive now we wouldn’t be able to call it transitional. Just as we couldn’t call each dwelling a transitional.form without knowing that something larger was going to be built.
And we don’t have that knowledge regarding evolution. We don’t know where it’s going.