cherry-picking voices that support your view and ignoring the majority of them that do not
The truth is not decided by a majority vote. That said, a majority opinion does constitute a form of authority. And, it’s good to follow authority. It demonstrates humility, a recognition of one’s limits, as well as the desire to know the truth and do good. And, the ultimate authority, whom we are asked to follow is Christ.
However one interprets Genesis, its main point is the revelation of the Word of God and His personal relationship with us as our Creator. Each of us, it would appear, although sharing in our collective knowledge, understands this in our own way.
Whatever the majority of people believe, through our faith in Jesus Christ, we come to know God. Within that relationship, His Glory is revealed by nature, which He brings into being through an eternal act of Divine will.
There is no serendipity in this; as stated above in a quote from St. Thomas, “whatsoever divine providence ordains to happen infallibly and of necessity happens infallibly and of necessity; and that happens from contingency, which the divine providence conceives to happen from contingency.” There is no randomness in the coming together of the dust; its intrinsic properties are the building blocks and mortar used by God to create the home which is the person, and all creatures for whom we bear a responsibility of care.
As well, the utilitarian aspect of existence, its significance distorted and importance exaggerated by the will to power of the self, aka original sin, conceptualized as natural selection, represents the reality that all that exists does so in relation to what is other to itself, participating within its environment.
It’s all about the interpretation, not the science.