Great quotes. Thanks for sharing.
Bacteria and viruse are just … weird. Sorry, but there … I said it.Bacteria acquire resistance through a built-in mechanism called Horizontal Gene Transfer. Viruses respond with a built-in mechanism that changes their outer protein coat, resulting in different strains of the virus.
Isn’t is true that one of Lenski’s E.coli suddenly evolved into some ape-like creature (a remarkable example of Punctuated Equibrium in action) that scampered away and escaped before they could study it?The point has always been that bacteria always remain bacteria.
I think the atheist theory that our original ancestors were rocks is outstanding and worthy of merit and great respect. It reflects not only very rational and very scientific thinking, but formidable intelligence as well.Unlike human origins where it is said that modern humans somehow changed over the years by way of an unguided process.
I getting a bit off-topic here, but I’m curious - is Buddha claimed to have performed a miracle?I have the words of the Buddha
I wonder which empirically-derived knowledge says “all knowledge must be empirically derived”.To people who think that all knowledge must be empirically derived, I would ask how they validate that statement and proceed from there.
The boundaries of science are perhaps defined by philosophy. When theism was the dominant philosophy, theology was called “the Queen of the sciences”. But now that the Enlightenment’s secular philosoply dominates, science has been reduced to the purely material and theology is scorned and laughed at.Science or philosophy?
Really? So eradicating smallpox was no better than a theory about how feathers evolved?In science, a theory is as good as it gets
Many evo-diehards do call it a fact.Hence the reason it is called a theory and not scientific fact.
Throw God out the picture and a contiguous process of biological evolution is the inevitable conclusion - in which case, human and extant primates must share a common ancestor.Until something better and not religious comes along, museums and schools will throw us together with the apes…
I am the result of an experiment that went very badly wrongIt is unethical to experiment on human beings
Let’s look at that from a slightly different perspective:The postulated suffering and death of multiplied billions of animals in the course of evolutionary “progress” from amoeba to man is a libel against the character of the Creator
And your point is?The postulated suffering and death of multiplied billions of animals and of every unborn human child in the course of the Flood is a libel against the character of the Creator.
“God of the Gaps” syndrome
Yes, the most often quoted is the Miracle at Sravasti.I getting a bit off-topic here, but I’m curious - is Buddha claimed to have performed a miracle?
Nonsense! Have you seen how many people play golf?!Nobody wants pain and suffering
Eradicating smallpox was a lot worse because it frustrated God’s purpose in creating smallpox in the first place. At least that is how a few religious people argue. The same religious attitude is affecting polio immunisation in some places.Really? So eradicating smallpox was no better than a theory about how feathers evolved?
Interesting. So in a miracle tournament, who do you think would win - Buddha or Jesus?My favourite Buddhist miracle was performed by the Bodhisattva Vimalakirti who fed 80,000 people from a single bowl of rice.
One day the Buddha met a man meditating by the side of a river. He asked the man, “Why are you meditating here?”Interesting. So in a miracle tournament, who do you think would win - Buddha or Jesus?
One day the Buddha met a man meditating by the side of a river. He asked the man, “Why are you meditating here?” The man replied, “So I can attain the power to walk on water and cross the river.” The Buddha replied, “Don’t you know that there is a ferry a mile down the river where you can cross for a single copper?”