Right ,a body without a spirit is a corpse, science can’t really explain that. But it’s easy to understand for those who believe in the Supernatural.The possible error I believe concerning the theory of the evolution of species is in a certain sense metaphysical. From a Thomistic metaphysical point of view, I think the proponents of the evolutionary theory of species essentially argue from a principle of substances, namely the material principle, that is not in itself the principle of why a thing is the kind or species of thing it is. The body of things and bodily parts such as cells, DNA, and atoms are all reduced to the material principle of substances, the body of a thing is as the matter of a material substance which matter is completed by the form, specifically, the substantial form. The material principle is an indeterminate principle, essentially potentiality, inactive, and does not even exist without form. Form is the determining principle of things and it is the principle why a thing is the kind of thing it is and why a thing has the kind of matter or organization of matter ( such as the DNA) it has. This is why St Thomas Aquinas argues in various places of his works that matter is not the first or primary cause of the distinction of things. Matter is essentially potentiality, entirely formless, entirely indeterminate.
Accordingly, it appears to me in light of Thomistic metaphysics that the proponents of the evolutionary theory of species argue from a principle of substances, namely the material principle which DNA is reduced too as a part of the body, that is in itself pure potentiality, indeterminate, inactive, does not even exist without form, and which is not the determining principle of why things are the kinds of things they are which principle is the substantial form. In other words, you can’t evolve some determinate thing from a principle that is in itself and essentially indeterminate.