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That YEC interpretation is obviously scienticially-incorrect , although theologically acceptable (because it’s irrelevant to salvation.)Agreed, so i am not going to treat it as having the authority of a science textbook when trying to understand why creatures/species today are not identical to creatures./species when organisms first existed.
I think YECs might have trouble accepting the scientific evidence that suggests life on earth could be billions of years old because that time-scale is impossible for humans to comprehend. On the other hand, life that is only about 6000 years old is something we can easily wrap our heads around.I think you should always strive for a reasonable faith and not just follow blindly some popular interpretation just because you grew up on it… Surprisingly when i really did my research i found out the Church was on my side.
That is a reasonable doubt, but perhaps it might help to think of millions of years of death and destruction as the imperfect beginning of creation, which is heading towards a vastly more perfect future - made possible by Christ’s sacrifice on the Cross - ie, the “new Heavens and the new earth”. The passage in Isaiah 65 which describes children leading wild beasts, lions eating straw and wolves feeding with lambs alludes to this future - “They will do no harm nor destruction on all my holy mountain.”I have difficulty believing God allowed death and destruction to build up to a human He could ensoul rather than create the Adam in His image and likeness imeediately.
Deo Gratias! We will pray you evolve out of the error of atheism.… So over and out.
This bears repeating. But quite the contrary, the mere mention of God reduces any explanation to pseudoscience, as opposed to the belief in randomness/chaos and survival/power. Evolution is a concept consistent with the nature of this fallen world; the pillars on which it stands are death. The forces of destruction are not creative. He who raises the dead, walks on water, multiplies the loaves, makes the blind, see, the lame, walk, the dumb, speak, He who turns water into wine and is the Source of all this wonder, brought forth the entire universe and all living forms, including ourselves who can share in His glory.our contemplation of the creation around us should lead us to its creator, to God. This does not seem to be the case with evolutionary theory and atheists.