We have been over this before.God changes: “I will part the sea for Moses” followed by “I will close the sea after Moses.”
We have been over this before.God changes: “I will part the sea for Moses” followed by “I will close the sea after Moses.”
“internal to God” is mutually exclusive with Christian God, who knows no bounds or limitation. If something can be “internal” to God, then God would have finite bounds.causes can only be internal to God.
So something other than God is causing those changes. What is that something? If God is infinite, then how can anything be external to God?“internal to God” is mutually exclusive with Christian God, who knows no bounds or limitation. If something can be “internal” to God, then God would have finite bounds.
We have. Any actions by God require change: “I will part the sea”; “I will close the sea”. I am examining the source of that change.We have been over this before.
I reject the concept of “essence”. There is just the tiger, there is no separate essence. Remove each atom from the tiger one by one. No single atom is the tiger, so as you remove the atoms you are not removing the essence. When (after a very long time) you have removed all the atoms, what is left is the essence. That is why I do not see any essences anywhere.You can discuss the characteristics of a tiger (essence) separate from the existence of a tiger (let’s hope).
Your literalistic reading of scripture, and your attempt to dictate terms on how these things should be understood, has no bearing on the validity of the arguments put forth to you. Your position is unreasonable regardless.We have. Any actions by God require change: “I will part the sea”; “I will close the sea”. I am examining the source of that change.
No, no. The Church is not opposed to science; it’s just that the Darwinians are not founded in science, but in fantasy and suppositionThere is no point in pitting the Church against evolution. To do so would be shortsighted and at worst deceptive. It is not the theory that is the problem, but rather it is the materialistic beliefs that some people use science to justify, that is the real problem.
No you do because you can discuss tiger, discuss it’s characteristics (essence), list them (Orange w black stripes, etc), without requiring physical presence of tiger (existence) . Unless you’re saying you can ONLY discuss tiger characteristics at zoo, with tiger, for example?There is just the tiger, there is no separate essence.
Definitely not empirical science (observable, repeatable and predictable). Evolution is philosophy and for some a religion.t’s just that the Darwinians are not founded in science,
One characteristic of the tiger is that it is alive. That characteristic is not confined just to tigers, it is a far more general characteristic.No you do because you can discuss tiger, discuss it’s characteristics (essence), list them (Orange w black stripes, etc), without requiring physical presence of tiger (existence) . Unless you’re saying you can ONLY discuss tiger characteristics at zoo, with tiger, for example?
We can observe elephants evolving under pressure from a change in their environment.Definitely not empirical science (observable, repeatable and predictable). Evolution is philosophy and for some a religion.
And if space-time and energy-matter are all contingent, that does not mean the Universe that contains them is contingent.Physical reality is space-time and whatever that contains. Anything else is just your imagination
Perhaps you could point out the presence of blind faith in a statement that begins …Its ironic how much blind faith atheists will go to in order to justify …not believing in God that requires far less faith
or that begins …Not necessarily. It may be
or that begins …It might be a
Even if
Oh no! I can hear the dread word “micro” springing to Buffalo’s lips.If that change is not down to Darwinian evolution then how do you explain it?
She’s only a little bit pregnant!rossum:![]()
Oh no! I can hear the dread word “micro” springing to Buffalo’s lips.If that change is not down to Darwinian evolution then how do you explain it?
One characteristic of the tiger is that it is alive. That characteristic is not confined just to tigers, it is a far more general characteristic.
Your “tiger essence” either has to include things that are also shared with other things, meaning it is not specific to tigers only, or you have a ‘tiger’ stripped of all things that it shares with other entities: fur, teeth, legs, brain etc.
That smears out the concept of “essence” so it is effectively impossible to apply it to any individual thing. For example, “made from atoms” applies to the essence/characteristics of every material thing.
Then there is the problem of change. What is the relationship between essence-of-acorn and essence-of-oak-tree? Are they the same or are they different?
If you and PickyPicky are consistent in your argumentation then you give the OP a negative response. No essences = no species. Who’s left (that hasn’t swallowed the blue pill) to coherently argue the opposite?One characteristic of the tiger is that it is alive. That characteristic is not confined just to tigers, it is a far more general characteristic.
Your “tiger species ” either has to include things that are also shared with other things, meaning it is not specific to tigers only, or you have a ‘tiger’ stripped of all things that it shares with other entities: fur, teeth, legs, brain etc.
That smears out the concept of “species” so it is effectively impossible to apply it to any individual thing. For example, “made from atoms” applies to the species /characteristics of every material thing.
Then there is the problem of change. What is the relationship between species -of-acorn and species -of-oak-tree? Are they the same or are they different?
It’s the formerYour “tiger essence” either has to include things that are also shared with other things, meaning it is not specific to tigers only, or you have a ‘tiger’ stripped of all things that it shares with other entities: fur, teeth, legs, brain etc.
As far as my argumentation is concerned I believe I have already pointed out your logical error.If you and PickyPicky are consistent in your argumentation then you give the OP a negative response
How about?guanophore:![]()
Good queston: I forget.How does Jesus eat after the resurrection? His resurrected body could pass through walls and ascend into heaven. There is so much that we just don’t know and understand about heavenly bodies, and the forms of angels. And what does it have to do with the evolution of species?
Let’s suppose there is an angel that is the means by which geometry comes into existence; perhaps he is geometry itself. The angel would contain all shapes and the relationships between their sides and angles. Say we are circles with the capacity to know the page on which we are drawn. The angel becomes much less than everything it is, to take the form of another circle on the page to let us know that there is something far greater going on than what our notes contain. Of course he can appear like one of us although perfect (unlike this analogy).Philippians 2:5-11: For let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: Who being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: But emptied himself, taking the form of a servant, being made in the likeness of men, and in habit found as a man. He humbled himself, becoming obedient unto death, even to the death of the cross. For which cause God also hath exalted him, and hath given him a name which is above all names: That in the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those that are in heaven, on earth, and under the earth: And that every tongue should confess that the Lord Jesus Christ is in the glory of God the Father.