they must all be myths according you
Not necessarily, although the popularized notions of the actual scientific data usually are. This is most likely a misunderstanding of my position rather than a strawman argument.
Why do you think He used all these other processes yet chose not to use the one?
The complexity of living beings did not arise randomly from the intrinsic properties of matter, nor is the diversity observed in nature merely the result of the utilitarian concept of survival of the fittest, the fittingest, or what have you. God created light and proceeded to bring into existence matter, time and space; He created living organisms from those basic substances, beginning with single cell creatures. The information that comprises a cell was utilized in bringing into existence whole organisms, comprised of cells, specialized and organized into tissues, as part of organ systems, which are all united as one being which exists in relation to its environment, incoporating what is other to itself into its own body, Growth and reproduction are aspects of the nature of all living things, qualities they possess and reflect the relationship with what is around them, that are not present in matter itself. Animals are characterized as distinct from plants in that they have instinctive perceptions, feelings and behaviours.We, as distinct from animals can know and act with a free will, thereby allowing us to love and thereby connect with transcendent Reality.
The person is material; what atoms do is organized in accordance with our psychology, many features of which are shared with animals, and ultimately our spirit, which makes us one being who can observe, feel, and act. Humankind was brought into existence in one first man, who committed the original sin and thereby brought this journey through time into existence. It’s going to get too confusing at this point.
TLDNR - Evolution is an illusion, it’s all about creation. You have decided against doing so, but if one puts God at the core of reality, a totally different picture arises than that which sees the laws of physics, the world as the fundamental eternal reality. It’s not dissimilar to the impression that the sun revolves around the earth.