Very good. He is free to become Catholic?
Recent studies show that many genes typically associated with metazoan functions actually pre-date animals themselves, supporting functional co-option of ‘unicellular genes’ during the genesis of metazoans.
However, the role of genome novelty in animal origins has not been fully evaluated. We hypothesize that genomic novelty had a major impact in this transition, particularly involving biological functions which are hallmarks of animal multicellularity (gene regulation, signalling, cell adhesion, and cell cycle). Here we apply a comparative genomics approach using sophisticated methods, newly developed programs, and a comprehensive taxon sampling. The reconstruction of the ancestral genome of the last common ancestor of animals shows a set of biological functions similar to other eukaryote ancestors, while revealing an unexpected expansion of gene diversity. These analyses also highlight 25 groups of genes only found in animals that are highly retained in all their genomes, with essential functions linked to animal multicellularity.
In fact, the first evolutionary step from whale to submarine occurred when Jonah was swallowed by a whale. This was the first one-man submarine - which gave rise to a whole bunch of Ninevah Class submarines.Once upon a time folks used to think it weird that humans could have evolved from monkey-men, but now we all know it’s an established scientific fact. Likewise, I believe that one day the world will accept whale-submarine evolution as fact.
Welcome to the greatest hoax in history. The deception knows no bounds - even the leaders of the Church have swallowed it.It is taught. My son learned about it in Comparative Religion. The teacher said if they wanted to know more about how we got here from a scientific point of view then it would be covered in their biology class at some point.
He went to a Catholic school by the way.
My favourite philosopher is Hulk Hogan. Who is yours?I would support your campaign if I lived in the USA.
Isn’t it wonderful. When convenient, buffalo accepts verbatim the words of atheist anti-God evolutionary biologists, except when he rejects the word of those scientists. If I quote an article in Nature that man evolved from earlier Hominids, will you accept it as true?We discovered the first animal had an exceptional number of novel genes, four times more than other ancestors. This means the evolution of animals was driven by a burst of new genes not seen in the evolution of their unicellular ancestors.
rossum“We are to find God in what we know, not in what we do not know; God wants us to realize his presence, not in unsolved problems but in those that are solved.”
– Dietrich Bonhoeffer, “Letters and Papers from Prison”
So, you are telling us that your God is not omnipotent. Your God is incapable of setting up the universe in such a way that man would evolve. That makes your God non-omnipotent.My tip is, it will be genetics that eventually proves that microbe-man evolution is impossible.
Both he and his sister (who also went to a Catholic school). If nothing else they learned to treat people with religious views with the respect they deserve.Very good. He is free to become Catholic?
Wheeeee! Here comes a Creationist quotebomb! They don’t have to understand it, they don’t even have to read it; its abstract has popped up on some quote-mining Creationist website somewhere so they can use it as cannon-fodder against the evil evolutionists. Hoping to blind the enemy with science, as the Creationists have been blinded themselves. Shame that the front-line grunts don’t realise that their apparent ammunition was researched and written by evolutionists, and read and understood by evolutionists, before it even reached the quote-mine. It’s like throwing doughnuts at a nutritionist hoping the sugar will kill him.It must be depressing to have to cut and paste chunks of DI waffle as the basis for your ‘arguments’
The evidence has been demonstrating the random muation of the genome is very much an overly simplified explanation, if it explains anything at all, in regards to the emergence of life in all its diversity, and that natural selection plays a conservative role in the preservation of species, if it is real at all and not simply a shadow of the reality that organisms are integral parts of their environment.The reconstruction of the ancestral genome of the last common ancestor of animals shows a set of biological functions similar to other eukaryote ancestors, while revealing an unexpected expansion of gene diversity.
Catholics know God as almighty.So, you are telling us that your God is not omnipotent. Your God is incapable of setting up the universe in such a way that man would evolve. That makes your God non-omnipotent.
Read the entire paper that I posted. It can be found in Nature, hardly a creationist site.Wheeeee! Here comes a Creationist quotebomb! They don’t have to understand it, they don’t even have to read it; its abstract has popped up on some quote-mining Creationist website somewhere so they can use it as cannon-fodder against the evil evolutionists. Hoping to blind the enemy with science, as the Creationists have been blinded themselves. Shame that the front-line grunts don’t realise that their apparent ammunition was researched and written by evolutionists, and read and understood by evolutionists, before it even reached the quote-mine. It’s like throwing doughnuts at a nutritionist hoping the sugar will kill him.
But Glark-God is obviously not almighty.Catholics know God as almighty.
Now that I like.It’s like throwing doughnuts at a nutritionist hoping the sugar will kill him.
I have indeed read it, and understood its interesting evolutionary implications. None of its observations, let alone its conclusions, fit, in any way, a hypothesis that a few dozen species were created spontaneously, from which all subsequent species have evolved. Nevertheless, you saw fit to mention it. Why, I wonder? Did you see it in Nature (which is indeed a very respectable mainstream science journal) yourself, or did you find it in a Creationist quote-mine, and, hoping it would put some sort of cat among our evolutionary pigeons, toss it in to this discussion without really thinking about it at all?Read the entire paper that I posted. It can be found in Nature, hardly a creationist site.
More evidence of abrupt appearance of complex sophisticated life.I have indeed read it, and understood its interesting evolutionary implications. None of its observations, let alone its conclusions, fit, in any way, a hypothesis that a few dozen species were created spontaneously, from which all subsequent species have evolved. Nevertheless, you saw fit to mention it. Why, I wonder? Did you see it in Nature (which is indeed a very respectable mainstream science journal) yourself, or did you find it in a Creationist quote-mine, and, hoping it would put some sort of cat among our evolutionary pigeons, toss it in to this discussion without really thinking about it at all?
If I misjudge you, and in fact you really think this article supports your version of Creationism, would you care to point out how and where?
But man has evolved. Humans are on average taller than they were a thousand years ago, for example. And from one pair of humans came all the different races on earth - that’s evolution, my friend.So, you are telling us that your God is not omnipotent. Your God is incapable of setting up the universe in such a way that man would evolve. That makes your God non-omnipotent