In 1859? I doubt it. He certainly had no knowledge of the Ediacaran biota, such as Spriggina.Er, Mr. Darwin, did you not notice the Cambrian explosion ?
In 1859? I doubt it. He certainly had no knowledge of the Ediacaran biota, such as Spriggina.Er, Mr. Darwin, did you not notice the Cambrian explosion ?
Ah, I see. Before you can accept expert opinion, you have to ask them if they are the same religion as you. Got it.Furthermore, it’s likely that 97% of evolutionary biologists are atheists…
The difference is the starting point. With everything built into a first copy, with all the genetic and epigenetic processes that allow for diversity for its own sake and for adaptation, speciation of a kind of living thing would occur primarily through that method. Of course the chemical building blocks have a “will” of their own. They glitch because nothing is 100% efficient. Toxins and radiation can alter the DNA, the RNA, the proteins involved in reproduction. Virus can also impact on the process. Think development and cancer. From one cell all the various tissues and organs, including the neurological processes and connection that allow for psychological experience, all this develops as a result of the information in action contained in the original version of the person. And, many of us will develop and die of cancer. There most certainly is a difference between evolution and devolution.devolution is change. All you are doing is confirming evolution while calling by a different name.
As I recommend you do.Until I learn something reasonable, I’lol continue to believe of evolution, I suppose.
Some real education:You’re embarrassing yourself. Get a real education.
It is not a magical wall - it is a designed wall. The limits prevent wild fluctuations that create instability. The programming code is designed to be limiting.Nor is there any evidence whatsoever for some sort of magical “wall” between micro-evolution and macro-evolution,
Why do you even need a wall? If the organism cannot reproduce then that variant disappears from the gene pool. If it can reproduce then it has to reproduce well enough to compete with the other organisms of its species.It is not a magical wall - it is a designed wall. The limits prevent wild fluctuations that create unstability. The programming code is designed to be limiting.
One has to have the code. Who has the code?After the human genome was sequenced, scientists ended up with a book they couldn’t read.
And what was that question…? Ah yeah…edwest:![]()
One has to have the code. Who has the code?After the human genome was sequenced, scientists ended up with a book they couldn’t read.
'Feathers are features unique to birds, and there are no known intermediate structures between reptilian scales and feathers. ’These guys put together an interesting page about macroevolution. (warning - Christian site)
"The central question of the Chicago conference was whether the mechanisms underlying microevolution can be extrapolated to explain the phenomena of macroevolution. At the risk of doing violence to the positions of some of the people at the meeting, the answer can be given as a clear, No.
A code by definition has a sender, receiver and an incryption key that both sides need. Codes always come from a mind.Well, as improbable as it seems, digital codes have been discovered in DNA. Using bioinformatics, scientists may learn to decipher bits of this code, which should lead to a better understanding of disease processes and genetic switches.