Physicist Rob Sheldon and Gary Webb may be liking IDvolution…
Comets and entropy hydrodynamics: How does evolution violate the 2nd law?
Information density can increase locally if one is careful to control the flow of entropy. Not diffusively but through clever use of “invariants of the flow”. Replacing entropy with true invariants of the flow, we show how information can be concentrated or “added” consistent with the observation of increasing complexity on the Earth. Analogous to a digital computer made of fluid components, the “calculation” proceeds by clever manipulation of boundary conditions. Magnetized comets possess exactly the properties needed to produce the simplest entropy invariant, making them a prime candidate for driving evolution. They may also provide the origin of the chirality or ”handedness” of life.
Thus the Origin-of-life, evolutionary progress paradox can be solved, but at the cost of requiring the universe to be in a highly information-dense initial state.
The twentieth century began the description of physics as a huge casino, calculating the statistics of heat or thermodynamics, and later, the probabilities of quantum mechanics. And while this description of the world has been enormously useful, providing the understanding of steel and concrete, of electricity and power, in the end it could not explain the exquisite design of bio-materials: the strength of tooth enamel, the water-repelling nature of lily pads, the low drag of shark skin. The study of these remarkable things revealed that the secret lies in their coherence, in their nanoscale structure, in their design. If the 20th century was the century of chance statistics, of bulk materials, of diffusive transport, then the 21st century has become the century of coherence, of smart materials, and of controlled transport. If the 20th century was about energy–hydroelectric dams, nuclear bombs, oil wells–then the 21st century is about energy use–wind turbines, nuclear rockets, hybrid cars.
If the
20th century was about entropy, then the 21st century is about information.