Is the natural formation of planets a Godless explanation?
It depends how it is stated.
Let’s start with the Big Bang Theory. What we’ve done is to extrapolate back in time, utilizing our observations of what we find in the universe today, to find, as everyone has read, that there existed something very different at the beginning. We speak about a time when gravitation hadn’t pulled matter together to form stars and galaxies, when “the Universe was too hot to form neutral atoms”, when “atomic nuclei were blasted apart”, “matter-antimatter pairs would spontaneously form”, when “individual protons and neutrons would be dissociated into quarks and gluons”.
The language implies that time has two directions, that the furture determines the past. That’s an assumption, as would be the one that might start with the idea that the basic laws of physics are eternally present, even when things were completely different from how they are today. Creation is a better explanation that sees the formation of this world happening in steps that build on the old to bring into existence the new.
It being so 1980’s to talk about an initial singularity, it is pretty well accepted that it’s most probably wrong and that we can only know what happened after the final ~10^-33 seconds of inflation. How long inflation lasted, if we can speak of time at all, is unkowable. Some might offer the suggestion that it took one day.
At any rate, during the era of cosmic inflation, the Universe was energy itself, undergoing a rapid, exponential expansion, having the same properties everywhere, from which matter and radiation, were created, representing the hot Big Bang. From that plasma, atoms were created, and from there this universe as we know it, consisting of stars and planets.
So there is a Godless explanation as to how the cosmos “brought itself” into its current form, resting on nihilistic, atheistic and pantheistic roots. For the actual science to be understood, it must be cast into a story that is understandable. It seems to me that in the belief that we are freeing science from the constraints that religious and philosophical systems, something that is impossible unless we simply stick to the mathematics, Godless ideas are wrongheadedly being pushed in the class room and media. This is ok if we, as Christians, take into account the distortions that happen in our understanding as we do so, and try to see everything under the Light that is Jesus Christ.