Can you tell me this, if you reject evolution, how do you believe that the species we see arrived at their current form?
To begin, let’s consider the context and take you and I as examples of living things. We are both expressions of humankind. Neither one of us existed temporally, one hundred years ago, but came into existence at conception, as persons on their journey through life, as we transform ourselves into who we are for eternity. We are each of us, a unity of being, atoms combined as a result of what they do, into extremely complex molecules, a great variety of which form the cellular structures and processes, that constitute our bodies, all this one with our psychological make up which includes words, feelings, perceptions, memories and behaviour. You and I are whole systems, made up of many subsystems, which in turn, are made up of other. The structures that make up our being may be classified in terms of material, psychological, and spiritual/existential/ontological relationships, but we remain one thing, you and I. And, we are made in the mould of what is humanity. Each of us exhibits some degree of the capacities that constitute human nature, regardless of how we look on the surface or at the level of our genetics.
I have come to believe, and I didn’t when I first entered into this discussion, that the first human being was not conceived in the womb of a primate, but was created in adult form. That person was subsequently trnsformed into male and female, from whom all humanity has arisen. Adam had no parent than God Himself. All kinds of organisms were created fully formed, with the capacity to carry out the functions that define them, and to procreate. A living thing gives rise to living things of their own kind, as whole entities; what is involved is more than just molecules interacting, although clearly we can study what happens at that level. To get to the creation of man took a process that perhaps involved six steps to implement. On a physical level, it began with the creation of light, space, atoms, suns, planets. This set the ground for the creation of the first single cell creatures. Plants followed as did animals. With the establishment of each successive level of creation, we see a development in the psychological sphere, where greater physical complexity is associated with more elaborate instinctual perceptions, emotional and cognitive abilities, and behaviour. With any kind of creature, we see that they contain the potential for an elaboration of what they are. In part, the built in genetics allow for adaptation to changes in the environment. However, predominantly they demonstrate the creativity, the beauty, the power that is God. When we get to mankind we find knowledge and free will transcending given ways to interact with the world about us.
It’s a joke to some people here that I write so much in my posts. I think most don’t bother to read them. You asked, and this reply barely scratches the surface. I have not commented on the role sin has played in the development of the world as we know it.